General Discussion

General DiscussionShadow Blade Axe?! :D

Shadow Blade Axe?! :D in General Discussion
Chao Vritra

    how long has this been a thing? was just looking through recent high bracket axe games and noticed a lot of shadowblades after blink and blademail. Is this a troll item you get when you are winning or legit item? What made it viable on axe? I see euls a lot now, that makes sense, but why shadow blade?

    doc joferlyn simp

      been around for a long while now. what dagger gives you is long range initiation, but use if this if you have no vision? given the midgame's tempo where games are decided on teamfights, supports cant just roam away from their team to do some warding work. if the team goes as 5 the enemy team will also roam there, so just warding/dewarding/warding/death everywhere

      now shadowblade allows you to scout on ahead, and get up close. this might very well be countered by sents and dusts but take note since the aforementioned tempo of the game is very... fast-paced if you will. meaning mobility is key and a tp on cd could mean a lane of rax or a dead core. this means that supports cant just random dust/random sent if they are roaming, and if they rely on that their movement are restricted a lot just becaose of the threat of an invis hero

      tldr shadowblade = map pickoff roaming, blink = highground sieging

      Chao Vritra

        Cant wait to try this tonight. Wish I did not have to work during battlecup =(

        doc joferlyn simp

          i think its situational tho. like if youre stomping you need to break hg anyway why would you need sb when entrances are blocked with true sight. likewise if you are being stomped, sb is a bad choice because the enemy will know where you will come from. a few sents and maybe an obs or two and theyve got the area theyre trying to push buttoned up

          its more of a game changer, where the game is 50-50 or 60-40 or something and map control is anyone's claim. prolly like if you need something radical to tip the game in another team's favor


            secondary initiation item, pretty shit if you don't need it


              axe magnus pretty comon item build its good ofc