General Discussion

General DiscussionMy son is playing LOL what went wrong?

My son is playing LOL what went wrong? in General Discussion

    Me and my boyfriend both played dota, but something bad happened to our son, I believe he likes gay things like anime, should I call a doctor?

    mr. rabbit

      call a priest to perform a ritual on him he might have been possessed by satan after that i suggest going to church every sunday

      doc joferlyn simp

        a doctor cant help you there bud. get a hitman, either that or bear the shame on your family name for as long as your son lives

        mr. rabbit

          ? doctors r nothing to the power of god if u pray everyday u can achieve anything

          mr. rabbit

            u should post about ur son in facebook something like 1 like=1 prayer so many ppl will pray for ur son


              Or you can just accept gaming is gay in general

              mr. rabbit


                    Me and my bf.


                      No, ish gay


                        He went full retard, never let anyone go full retard


                          weak genes

                          Two Crows

                            >What went wrong?
                            Getting a son instead of daughter.

                            Big Fish

                              I think you forgot to get an abortion

                              1-IceTea 🌟

                                So Renshin, baby are going to be a son or daughter?

                                Cancer Malaria

                                  Join your son, be apart of the satan army


                                    who cares, league is a pretty good game


                                      Abandon him, he s nothing but disgrace

                                      Pale Mannie

                                        should've done this to him all the time to teach him to abolish anime in every way

                                        Pale Mannie

                                          the league thing is both your fault for not introducing him to dota first. when you did introduce him to dota first, then he is disgrace


                                            Whats wrong with LoL? I'm offended. I had played it for a long time before dota. Please be kind to my kind. Ty.

                                            Player 404335202

                                              Troll post i believe


                                                I wonder what if dota pro olayer play lol

                                                Player 404335202

                                                  For next kid ask bf to focus on left side

                                                  white boy summer

                                                    ^^^^ so why did u switch to dota, and what was your problem with lol if i can ask the same


                                                      I believe he needed an abortion, if you could go back in time and prevent this from happening that would be fan fucking tastic.


                                                        troll post


                                                          Lets be some serious here.. LOL is a bit lower density game, strategy and tactics, item knowledge, skill knowledge is needed less ; also a big fact that graphics are more childish. But in dota, community and matchmaking system has some severe problems. Waiting for new patch development for community management like -abandoners, flamers, disorganized ones and low knowledge+low skills will be distincted from others soon- Dota 2 is still the best of MOBAs' but the better community+matchmaking systemmed MOBAs may beat Dota2 in very close time.