General Discussion

General DiscussionTips to gaining MMR.

Tips to gaining MMR. in General Discussion

    Just look over my stats. Am i on the right path to gaining mmr? What should i do that isnt being done.


      Play support much more often

      1-IceTea 🌟

        You got to spam hero more,mag for example.


          Spam your best heroes
          Learn how to play around your counters
          Be disciplined
          Expand knowledge
          Replay analysis, find out why high mmr/ pro players do specific thing instead of copying them 100%


            2,2k giving tips on how to improve MMR...kappa?


              I'm just rewriting all high MMR players have told me before, which worked for me
              You know I can just log in on my 3.4k account to make my point look more relevant, right? But I choose not to


                kappa kappa 123

                54% winrate on 2.2k, we all knwo bro you're a 4k players its ok.

                either way you apply those much valuable tips and climb yourself or dont gggggtfo


                  I don't know if you think you're funny right now but you're not


                    1vs 1 me
                    I am bws twin and my skill is worse compare to him.
                    I can beat you while fucking your mom you fucktard
                    No offence kappa


                      Fucking bulldog fans krappa.
                      Dude what did you do in that 2000 games


                        Hey you BWS twin you kid retard STFU


                          smurf, still only gets 2.4 k failfish

                          :thinking: why so many single draft matches? exdeee

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