General Discussion

General DiscussionDo not nerf Lina

Do not nerf Lina in General Discussion

    Buff WR, razor, AM plz

    doc joferlyn simp

      AM lul


        Jst like 2011-2013 hero pool?


          Buff AM... fuck off


            Spitzly doesn't want AM buffed because of his hero pool xd


              buff am? alex the fool indeed


                That respawn talent for lina shouldn't be at lvl 10

                Cheap Laugh Guy

                  People only noticed it when she's in meta D:
                  But Lina is not OP yet


                    AM clearly needs a buff, picking 0 lockdown into an am and lose doesn't mean the hero is strong.

                    1-IceTea 🌟

                      ^Now I get why you have the name as 'thefool'

                      picking 0 ___ into an ___ and lose doesn't mean the hero is strong.

                      Let's start it.

                      Picking 0 AOE into a PL and lost doesn't mean the hero is strong.


                        Me again.

                        Picking 0 range/kite into a Ursa and lost doesn't mean the hero is strong.

                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                          am is coming back to meta as mages come back to meta


                            Buff qop ffs


                              Bring blademale qop back, that shit was fun.
                              Honestly I don't see am coming back without major axe/centaur nerf, or major storm/Lesh buff.

                              Ryan Gosling Fan

                                Wtf After am agha is out, only hero that can Deal with him are ultra late cores and axe... Am needs more a nerf than a buff...


                                  Have you tried right-clicking Lina like 3 times? Best Lina nerf. :p


                                    Doesnt work when u die from lsa dslave laguna and then rapid fire rclicks from a decent range.

                                    Savvy Cat

                                      Sven and Slark kind of fell out of the big boy meta.

                                      And so Lina thrived a bit.

                                      I love where she currently sits: balanced imo. Give either of the two above better options and she'll go back to dying in under 3 seconds without doing anything, yet again.


                                        How is slark supposed to shit on lina

                                        Savvy Cat

                                          The same way he shits on every other INT hero in the game. By being a near unstoppable rape machine 1v1. Unless you're suggesting Lina farm with her team, i.e. hard carry, taking their farm? A core Lina and a support Lina are the same thing to Slark. An easy breakfast. =


                                            Lina as an int hero moves rather fast, and has an aoe disable, and significant burst against a rather squishy hero. In fact plenty of int heroes have things that counter slark in that regard, like leshrac, jakiro, zeus, puck, etc.


                                              Qop as well


                                                Buff AM please, hero is absolute trash.

                                                Savvy Cat

                                                  Lina has a wind up stun. Slark, if the person playing him is decent, can dodge her stun with ease. I would say the average survival time for taking a dick from Slark, and living to tell the tale, is probably around 8 seconds. If he isn't dead by then and your team isn't there to deal with him, you're probably dead if you're playing the typical squishy INT hero. Worst case scenario is you building Euls and Force just to survive that hero on Lina. You can try Ghost, but this is Slark we're talking about. He can chase nearly any hero in the game all day long.


                                                    I concur with Razor buffs. Like perhaps one of his talents and a core item could not leave him with an attack range which is longer than the range of his ultimate meaning the extra range or the ultimate is wasted.

                                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                                      here's a tip to play vs slark as lina:

                                                      1)dont have 800 hp to survive leash
                                                      2)stun him and wait for leash to end
                                                      3)force urself
                                                      4)run away/kill him

                                                      ding-ding-ding u countered slark!

                                                      Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                      Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                        Stunning Slark is hard
                                                        He can use Dark pact noticing visuals or cast animation
                                                        Euls yourself and hope the team will save you after forcestaff sadly

                                                        Yeah Lina is like a support hero with the squishy nature, a jelly cannon
                                                        And thats why people get bloodstone for the extra hp


                                                          Am is already unstoppable, dont buff him gtfo


                                                            Am is already unstoppable, dont buff him gtfo



                                                              Just because you don't know how to counter AM doesn't mean the hero's fucking op


                                                                and the meta now doesnt exactly favor AM


                                                                  If you lose against AM you either were facing a very good player who doesn't give a damn about the meta or you and your team are so bad that you lose against a garbage hero (and you deserve it)

                                                                  Savvy Cat

                                                                    Lina core and support have force staff at about the same time, which can be placed at around 20 minutes into the game.

                                                                    Given that timing, Slark probably has Treads, Aquila, Shadow Blade, and Echo Sabre. Not only do you have to make sure he doesn't purge the stun, but you have to also worry about trying to outrun him afterwards. Even if you gave them the same net worth at 20 minutes, I rarely see the Lina win, without some support. That's a 1v1 situation.

                                                                    'Ohhhh but Dota isn't a 1v1 game.'

                                                                    For Slark it can be. That's like his mid game selling point. Solo killing.

                                                                    8 seconds.

                                                                    That's how long you had until the second pounce came out. Which if the first connected, is a 4.5 second difference. Slark has been survived. Not Slark countered.

                                                                    Maybe I'm just bias against this hero. I do loathe him to be honest.