you can't define a specific region by what it knows/doesn't
because 1 guy might know how to do let's say ''lasthitting''
but he doesn't know how to ''harass'' so he ends up laning like a 2k even if his lasthitting is at a 4k level.
and vice versa.
whenever i am in a game with someone below 4k i end up being in disbelief at how few items they have
Ok Lets do it like this cookie...
Do you remember the thread of F!RE when he tells the mistakes and lacking plays in every bracket.
I wan't to know exactly like that, of how brackets differ in GAME UNDERSTANDING AND MECHANICAL SKILL.
Lets try not to point 1 player to another but the OVERALL COMMON STANDARD of a certain bracket :)
Cause I want to learn from this and apply this to improve .
I only play support in my 4k account but I sometimes play on my friends 1k account. I always play carry in 1k and I everytime get the highest net worth and everything but I can't guarantee a win. It's because 1ks don't know how teamwork works. I know I sucked playing carry in my bracket and I can't win the game early. Games last up to an hour. 50 minutes into the game and people still get picked off. The team who have no more buyback lose.
1k = usually chill, slow paced, little teamwork, no farm efficiency
2k = rage induced, slow paced, no teamwork, no farm efficiency, but usually knows how to snowball from kills
3k = smurf shitfest
3k to 3.5k = teamwork is there, usually knows objective must be taken, some knows efficiency, doesnt know how to deal with deathball, doesnt punish mistakes
3.5k = diox
every mmr progressively higher sucks a little less that its predecessor, but sucks nonetheless
Ratting starts around 3k.
I would say lane equilibrium around mid 3k.
Pulling around 2.5k - 3.5k but still unreliable
In 1k-2k everyone knows they are bad so they dont speak as much.
3k-4k everyone thinks they are new meta geniuses so they literally try to teach thier team how to play and never shut the fuck up
What amazes me is that someone can play shit like Luna/Jug , somehow manage to have 5 cs/min and still blame thier team all game
Or some subhuman monkey with 5k games,3k mmr and <50 winrate is delusional enough to think other people are holding them back from reaching high mmr
Let's do this? go find something useful to do instead and stop dragging other people into your shit
I dont know, everything below to 4k it's like running around the map doing nothing, and after that, the only thing that most of 4ks till 4.5k is knowing how to last hit and sometimes "what to build" after 4.5k they starts to understand dota.
Mistakes are present in every MMR.
Obviously lower MMR players will have much more frequent and numerous mistakes than high MMRs on AVERAGE, but it's not like there's anything absolute. You might find a 2k player who outshines another 5k player in every aspect, even if it's rare as a white raven.
In 1k you can get away with anything..played once with 80% packet loss, ended the game with 35+
Let's do this? go find something useful to do instead and stop dragging other people into your shit
Not dragging anyone into anything. I dont know if its because my behavior score is low, but basically every game theres always one retard who loses because he sits and types all game. The easiest way to win 3k-4k games is to : 1. Not type
2. Mute everyone before your teammates tilt you with thier terminal autism
2. Same thing actually , im getting matched with 4ks in my game revently and they're equally as dogshit as 3ks
Once the enemy team starts rage all chatting it should be ez gg
I never get any toxic people, it's weird. I mean, no one even says anything in my games. I just get the occasional ">Well Played!" and a few pings when I'm farming the opposite lane from my team feeding.
Oh! Silly me... It's because I mute everyone.
That's my favourite - when the team loses a fight and pings me because I'm on the opposite side of the map. yes, maybe I should've been with you but you saw me tp tot he opposite lane 10secs ago right? and you still chose to fight knowing I couldn't help? yet somehow it is my fault you all died...
Being nice always helps a lot to winning games. I had a very nice last game without any rage in my own team. PogChamp. Its super rare and i think no raging anyone win us game. Noone did yolo things or "fuck this game, im done" moves around map. Even though we had a rough start and done lots of mistakes my team did a great job at understanding game and not tilting.
Ty all my team for nice game of dota and win :)
Lul i'm just a happy man :) I wanna put 46534864864351351856 smiley faces to basically everywhere :)))
I will miss alot of last hit if I go lane, I can't keep lane equilibrium.I don't know how to harass.I don't know what item to buy first I am 4.7K now btw haha
when i was 1k i was happy to have 19 mins bf (before pt) and 26 mins manta as am and i shitstomped
low 2k was same, i changed role to constant mid and fucked everyone with creep aggro basically
3k-well it's an up-down, if you make the smalliest mistake or get outdrafted you propably lose, cause u can only rely on yourself, your teammates are usually a hit or miss, mechanically people still dont know how to aggro as i saw, farming for every hero becomes a bit better but can get mad for kills easily
2k- nah ill just play, ill pick any hero i want(q ranked)
3k- i got higher mmr that this 2ks me mid
4k-4.4- noob team,noob mid ( just died once) noob carry(carry farms efficiently just died once) i should have played carry ( supp has high gpm and xpm though smurf?)
4.5k -5k- we want win (q with 4.3 mid laner=gg)
6k- didnt he just stack malefice with bh
7k- dont know ask dendi
8k- ask abed
9k-ask rtz
10k- fuck u malljk or wtever (envy)
im 2k btw
Surprisingy, I've seen alot of teamwork and being nice in <1k mmr. It's not like my 4k mmr shitfest, but if you're nice in my mmr and ask for the position you want and tell your team what you will be doing they'll mostly be nice back.
1-2k = snowball hero win the game
3k = rat doto gaming with carry farming like a snail
4k = try hard meta hero pickers(patch 7.00 spam luna 1st pick now they spam jugg)
5k above = decent enough to play dota
Pro psaní komentáře se přihlaste.
What separates every MMR brackets in playstyle and performance ?
For example:
3ks are starting to know how to really play DOTA
How do they differ in mechanical skills and any other factors?
0-9k MMR