General Discussion

General DiscussionRubick most played hero in DAC.

Rubick most played hero in DAC. in General Discussion
Fox McCloud

    It's funny because I've always hated that hero- he's a favorite of a friend of mine when playing support and he always ends up having close to 0 impact on the game. I've also pretty much never had a good Rubick in my team.

    Can someone explain the value of the hero over other supports- save for DotaWatafak Rampage Spell Steal plays?

    To me he just feels like he has a mediocre disable (that disables himself), an OK nuke that tickles by midgame, a meh passive, and an ult that does nothing on its own. How is he not situational?

    Toto téma bylo upraveno
    Chao Vritra

      i do not play with him anymore but I knew a really good rubick player. I think he is best in the hands of a greedy support. He really needs blink to be effective. And his disable is strong IMO, not only does it disable but it has a pull to it and the ability to stun in an aoe on impact.

      Not to mention a lot of the time you are going to have a disable stolen, giving you a nice long stun if you chain.

      Fox McCloud

        bump xdxd

        white boy summer

          he's just as good as other supports lol idk how u dont meet a decent rubick support in 4k but he's just as good as other supports if not better (which he is)
          if the enemy has disables (they likely do) u can chainstun them for 4 secs alone or steal great ulties, like i survived not one time cause my rubick stole enemy cent ult


            I think ITS because lv10 talent. Gpm talent is fucking good in early


              Generally you pick these sort of heroes early in the draft:
              Offlaner (usually sacked anyway)
              OP hero
              Versatile hero

              Rubick falls under the versatile category because he can be played both 4 and 5. On top of that he is very good versus the currently favored heroes such as Slardar, Centaur, Lina, Enigma, Magnus etc

              Rubick doesn't have to be flashy to have a huge impact. You can steal a normal spell and use it well, and that's enough to do your job as position 5.
              Rubick covers a lot of needs in a draft such as initiation, warding, dewarding, defending (and pushing with aura) and can steal a spell that you find useful with your heroes from the opposing team.
              Your team composition lacks hero damage, tower damage and save/healing but your other heroes or items can cover these areas.

              It's very rare to be able to pick a position 5 early in the draft unless the hero is OP or very versatile like rubick.


                First time i see pro answer here on forum, nice!😍


                  ^ Waga used to post on the forums occasionally, and I believe Demon was here in the very early days.


                    dotabuff is indeed awesome


                      The best forum community imo


                        Because an average rubick players steal ultimates they do not understand every value a skill has


                          I've heard that the reason it's so popular in pro scene is versatility. But he's not op or anything if u look at the winrate

                          Fox McCloud

                            Wow Ryze thanks for the insight.

                            Tl;dr Rubick is a very versatile support, and a good Rubick player should be able to find value from the most basic of stolen skills.