General Discussion

General DiscussionMost Pay to Win Terrorblade skin?

Most Pay to Win Terrorblade skin? in General Discussion
Fox McCloud

    I remember playing against a TB and it was hard to differentiate his hero from the illusions. I don't remember if he had an arcana on or not.

    Based on your experience, what's the most P2W Terrorblade skin/set (most similar looking to illusions). If arcana, what color?

    casual gamer

      IDK but the compendium bloody ripper helps to obscure whether you are raged or not on LS, not enough on its own but combined with other spells it can hide whether you are vulnerable


        I still remember the infamous pay-to-lose sperm mirana arrow.

        white boy summer

          sd is also a pay-to-lose, i saw him disturbing an sf and the two illus came with arcana and the real sf didnt have arcana

          < blank >

            zano lmao

            Chao Vritra

              yeah not a fan of some of his cosmetics.

              Super Senko-san Time

                @asdf have that set for LS but haven't used it recently. Thanks for the tip!

                Fox McCloud

                  Im asking for the most p2w TERRORBLADE skin, not skins in general.

                  Potato Marshal

                    They should just make it so that TB illusions have a different health bar, like the ones warlock golems have.


                      is making the illus distinguishable from the real one not enough?

                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                        The answer to this question is called phantom lancer.