General Discussion

General DiscussionExperiences playing dota while having stress on your back.

Experiences playing dota while having stress on your back. in General Discussion

    How does it feel like playing dota after having to deal with some shit. I couldn't cs properly. I had no mood at all to play. Everytime I died it felt like a stab to my back. What about you guys ? :)


      just dont play dota when youre stressed out. It makes the experience worse imo


        so everytime you die your back ache gets worse?


          I would be off playing SR: TT when I'm stressed instead. Feel so good to run over those pedestrian and wrecking havoc across the map.


            Playing dota while stressed is a risky bet. A good game with nice teammates can help you, but a bad game will fuck you up even more.
            I suggest not doing it at all.


              Party or normal match is the way to go


                I use dota to chill out actually, if you gain some mmr you feel like a badass again, even if you are 2k :(