General Discussion

General Discussionneed to clear something up

need to clear something up in General Discussion
doc joferlyn simp

    is oracle still in the game?




        he never really was in pubs. in pro scene he was considered OP but he got some minor nerfs now he barely is picked even in the pro scene. not sure why though, doesnt fit the meta probably

        sad, i once had a 9 winning streak with oracle

        doc joferlyn simp

          his little surge of popularity + the spam heal for big calibration was the only thing ive ever seen the hero picked lmao


            Last I checked you can still pick him


              he never really was in pubs. in pro scene he was considered OP but he got some minor nerfs now he barely is picked even in the pro scene. not sure why though, doesnt fit the meta probably
              sad, i once had a 9 winning streak with oracle

              stop posting please


                uuuh the little "im
                4k im pro" kid.

                oracle was considered OP in the pro scene, now he isnt picked anymore at all. pros actually complained about him.
                and in pubs.. i mean come on, picking rate sais it.

                but i guess my statement is not valuable since im not 4k. apprently once again you need 4k to watch tournaments or to see the picking rate of a hero on dotabuff

                care to explain whats wrong with my statement other then "you're not 4k?

                Tento komentář byl upraven
                O A S I 5 is Back

                  Don't see him in pubs and tournaments.


                    if you think that pick rate of one of the more complicated heroes will be anyhow high with 90% people playing in sub 4k then you're just stupid
                    some of the past patches you could've last pick meepo and get like 95% winrate if you were good enough, did that say something about his pick rate?

                    stop posting


                      but what do i know i only got like 60% winrate when i almost instapicked him every game after i learned how to play the hero at least decently


                        so? he still has sub par talents, completely shit

                        nerfed his base attack, which combined with his fast attack animation was considered OP, so that factor gone. increases mana cost for spells so you cant spam early game. nerfed nuke damage of E. he just got nerfed all across the board, he isnt picked in the pro scene (apart from some rare occasions and combos with huskar)
                        absymal winrate

                        so is he still in the game? yes
                        can higher skill players play him efficiently and pick him in a good lineup
                        does that mean he is in a good state as a hero?
                        no, he is garbage tier


                          he never really was in pubs.
                          he never really was in pubs.
                          he never really was in pubs.
                          he never really was in pubs.
                          he never really was in pubs.
                          he never really was in pubs.
                          he never really was in pubs.
                          he never really was in pubs.
                          he never really was in pubs.
                          he never really was in pubs.
                          he never really was in pubs.
                          he never really was in pubs.
                          he never really was in pubs.
                          he never really was in pubs.
                          he never really was in pubs.
                          he never really was in pubs.
                          he never really was in pubs.

                          why are you talking about oracle in past patches and suddenly switch to this one
                          and no he doesnt have sub par talents, those aren't the real problem of the hero

                          please stop replying i gain nothing from introducing reality to mentally disabled

                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                            he was pickable even in past 7.00 even though he wasnt an instapick material as he used to


                              ure just listing all the nerfs and circumstances without knowing which are important or not and probably that's why i can't take anything you say seriously


                                20 second respawn reduction, complete crap. what are you doing when you respawn 20 seconds faster? get back into teamfights? loose less farming time? defend highground without ulti?

                                20% more XP? compare that to other heros? get to lvl 15 faster

                                where you get 200+ hp (enemy sven now need 3 instead of 2 hits to kill you) or 60 GPM... 60??? thats nothing, 90 would be ok, recently all heros with +60 GPM got it increased, because 60 is nothing

                                lvl 20, 25 mov speed is ok. lvl 25 aint reaching that anyway

                                1 "ok" but not good talent and the others suck

                                and ofc again, because im
                                not 4k i dont understand what the nerfs do

                                - much less harrass potential (which oracle was so good with. safe harassing with decent attack range, insanely fast attack animation and very good base damage)
                                -increased mana costs and less damage on abilities result in less kills early game, less healing of your carry = overall worse laning stage which is the phase for supports

                                but hey i guess you havent played oracle in 30 days because you didnt feel like it, not because he is garbage

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                                Président® Salted Butter

                                  Oracle is shit now :/