General Discussion

General DiscussionPro carry player u look up to?

Pro carry player u look up to? in General Discussion

    and why ? be specific as possible

    doc joferlyn simp

      singsing because hes an asshole with great entertatainment content




          vroksnak's a god at pubs but I wonder why can't he be successful in pro games


            Why do you love vrosnak so much when most people will say rtz or
            Miracle. Are u just being edgy

            mr. rabbit



                every pro invoker player mostly 9k gods
                also 7k Xakon offlaner
                matumba safelaner


                  universe...also like w33,rtz,dendi,faith bian

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                  1-IceTea 🌟

                    Mean while I rekted Sccc and rise +34 in that match.



                      1-IceTea 🌟

                        Back to your question - I don't really watch specific pro player/team game,just randomly watch some live game - Matumbaman Lycan is great I learn some tips from him.

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                        Ramtin H

                          miracle sumail mid cuase they are not humans
                          arteezy cuase of baby rage but he is a good player
                          mutumbu is great safe too
                          s4 and universe are good too
                          and the best roamer in dota 2 is only songsong!! This guy is just Great XD


                            You'd need to play with vroksnak to understand why he hasn't made it in pro games. I think I got 0 win% stacking with him...


                              I bet if u play with miracle too he cant win the games.


                              white boy summer



                                  Nah, you'd understand if you knew more about dota. He plays the pubstar style of dota. That shit doesn't help anyone. He farms when he can push, he pushes when he should b, he b's constantly when he should fight. He's the type of player that at a certain point is 2x richer than your most farmed hero in the team and that way will try to finish the game. This when he/they could just try and end that shitty game in 20 min. But that's too much risk for that type of people. Welp, he used to play like that, haven't played with him in quite a while

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                                  Gazz   ¯\_(ツ)_/¯


                                    Ghastly Wail

                                      I like to watch how w33 and EE play.

                                      I dont look up to Teenagers who play Video Games.
                                      Sure they play amazing DotA but why should i look up to them? That are People who are atleast 10 years younger than me.

                                      You shouldnt have a Gamer as a rolemodel you inspire and look up to.

                                      Or is my understanding of the Topic just wrong?

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                                        1-IceTea 🌟

                                          ^Kristen is so cool he play with verify pro player 5/5 of his recent game

                                          Gabba Gabba Games TTV

                                            Technically slacks is a stand-in for DC which makes him a pro player..... Sooooooooooo Slacks

                                            d[-_-]b ZeKon <(^^,)>

                                              XBOCT how has no one mentioned him! hands down best carry eva

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                                                  thank you guys for chosing me as your pro player, your choice is right bros


                                                    None, because carry is the most boring role for me to play.

                                                    The worst out of all available, if I am to choose my role.

                                                    Offlane > Mid > Jungle > Roamer > Support > Carry for me.

                                                    Negative Mental Attitude

                                                      I dont look up to any carry player
                                                      the only player worth looking up to is

                                                      Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                      yung griphook

                                                        watch RTZ's farming patterns

                                                        Shikanoko Noko

                                                          Burning anti mage and loda




                                                              QO, Forev, March, DuBu

                                                              Goblin slayer

                                                                DDZ forever

                                                                Goblin slayer

                                                                  Oh wait

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