check list :
1- not the highest TD on rat hero
2-3k higher damage than other teammates
3-not buying BKB vs this motherfcking team
4-10 death on carry
1. you dont upgrade your boots as am
2. you get 26 min bf
3. the gold advantage not that good (almost not exist), you simply win it because enemy autism NOT because you carry them
i am sure TA is the one who making space
2k is different man lose all ur tier 2 towers in a 20-30 min mark everything changes hahahahahahahaha the throw/gg/end comes out
holy shit i had forgotten how bad it can be. the earliest item is a min 20 rushed sange/yasha. people get reportedfor this timings even in 3k
ende we were stuck at our base trying to def for 15-17 mins and then there it started to comeback and I have no time to farm more thats the only cs and kills i got enough to end a game
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This is what I mean SEA toxics from the start of the game and we clearly had almost had no hope but if you play on a 1 vs 5 then eventually you can comeback it. :) and I dont care what you say im just telling my opinion hahahahahaha have a nice day!!!