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General DiscussionNeed ur advice about my jug

Need ur advice about my jug in General Discussion

    Im jugg picker on 2k sea server n realy need some tips n advice ty

    Toto téma bylo upraveno
    doc joferlyn simp

      learn efficient micro with your ward. super impactful in fights really underrated as an important skill as to be learned as a jugg player


        1.Max blade fury and healing ward then crit
        2.Move your healing ward so it wont be killed 75 gold/exp gives
        3.Use omnislash carefully when all slashes will be on heroes
        4.Manta , Blink , Maelstorm , Diffusial blade are main items on this hero
        5.Always have tp ready so when fight starts you tp in and take kills with omnislash


          Idk how to Quick control the Ward bcs it will follow me instantly , and what is ur opinion about my farm?


            @its all. But I am old meta user without BF sangeyasha dagger n some item, bcs diffusal didnt give enough damage when ss n Little damage when right clicking

            doc joferlyn simp

              if you dunno how to set keys for specific unit/s you should learn now. after a messy fight you can notice youll be back to full health with a ward on your side. imagine what would it mean if for the whole duration of the fight youve got a ward up. i win so many fights as juggernaut by doing that


                Yeah I Will. One q, when should I put that Ward when pushing barrack? Before pushing or after? In some case I put it before pushing

                Tento komentář byl upraven
                doc joferlyn simp

                  in any lineup there will always be some sort of waveclear. even if everyone randoms there will be a waveclear. i put ward immediately when pushing, both to benefit creeps and to help me when i am solo pushing the tower when all my creeps are dead. just position it such that you are hit by the tip of the healing ward so that enemies will have to go out of position if they ever want to kill it, allowing you to do a great omnislash


                    Yeah I are. I have a problem too, i am a typical carry solo pusher(like antimage too) when using jug. And that is like winning game strategy, and I love solo pushing. But in other side my team wants me too join Them when pushing, but joining Them when pushing sometimes wasting Times bcs when war Its really hard to takedown just 1 tower, than doing a solo pushing . Ur advice ?


                      I am not that good but i can give you some tips
                      1. If your lane is mediocre or you win the lane take twr. you loses the lane get lv 6 tp to a winning lane then you take the tower.
                      2. You are almost unkillable before 10min because
                      -enemy had 5carry to farm and without farm they cannot kill you
                      -popular 2k hero like pudge and lc cannot kill you. Pudge hook you can just spin omni and kill him or you can just spin and not get slowed. Even if lc get a 6min blink he cannot kill you because you are pressuring his tower with healing ward and he only had a blink.
                      On a good game you can get 2 twr alone in 10min i guess but at least you can take 1 tower.
                      Other things to improve could be
                      Starting item
                      Never make quelling as starting item.
                      Practice csing in empty lobby dont use spin or omni.
                      Leave your team if they dive too hard

                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                        You can blink while going on an omnislash.K advice.


                          I usually take safelane, but I take mid if the enemy pick is invoker. In 15 min I can destroy tower n in 2k they are lazy to deff, so tbh I can destroy tier2 tower (after Shrine) too but in most case they Will always gank me after that. In 1 games when I jungle with jug even they all 5 gank me when I jungling after I do a splitpush n thats very annoying


                            Yeah but in game, blinking while omnislash wont come to ur mind tbh

                            doc joferlyn simp

                              @sMadV by solo pushing i meant going as 5 to push towers, but the other 4 will stand behind you to counter play the enemy, while you hit the tower. your point still stands tho, literal solo pushing is gamewinning might get you a set of rax

                              when you sense the the "big" teamfight that can win or lose the game is coming, its much better to stick with your team. if you win the teamfight at least you can get a tower. if you just solo push as 1 the teammates will scream at you to come to the fight, leading to your teammates tilting and blaming you. dota is a psychological game as much as it is a war game, so you gotta play your cards right

                              doc joferlyn simp

                                one strat that i like with jugg is just farm faster than everyone else and bully everyone in the game, so that your teammates can catch up in terms of farm and all of you can bully together



                                  What do u think about Aghs ini jug? Better build agh or build damage? Cause hard carry damage's mostly come from right clicks not from spell. And how to pass some hard carry like antimage or Spec in late game? In many games, at late game jugg Will lose to other hard carry


                                    veri amazing


                                      1-Dont ever pick the hero early cuz you dont want heroes with earlier power spike than yours or heoes that will just tank your omni with no problem
                                      2-aghs is one of the best in the game as long as you already have one damage item and (bf or maelstorm )... while if you went manta diffusal build its not really worth it
                                      3-push push push dont let the game go late the ideal game would be enemies fighting your team and you taking a rax then you tp to finish them off with slash.... also dont use spin to push cuz its your escape mechanism if they try to kill you while you are pushing.....if someone tps in alone to stop your push quickly clear the wave and omni him and thats a free kill


                                        1.diffu offers very high damage for the price
                                        2.never get an aghs, seriously you van use the gold for other items to that offers more