General Discussion

General DiscussionRoad to 4K

Road to 4K in General Discussion
Use chatwhell=mute

    I dropped 4.1 to 3.6 in an 2 week. And climbed 3.6 to 4.1 2 months. Fuck why gaining mmr is so hard. Btw ill not play till ti7 comp release


      Ill join the race, yolo
      Current mmr is 2092


        Guys I heard that the highest mmr calibration is 3.5k and I'm dropping form vhs to hs then again vhs
        can I get 3.8or something like that


          Haven't played this account today. Cousin invited party matchmaking so I used my other account


            Let me tell you something
            5k people are making new accounts to shitstomp 3k because no matter how hard they destroy them for the first 10 calibration games they won't get higher than 3500
            What makes you think that you're a special snowflake who can?


              @Itachi max calib is 3.5K even if youre skill bracket belongs to 5k youll still be calibrated 3.5k

              ✪ Ben Dover

                update the thread with all ppl. its a race after all xD


                  Aww shit man


                    What about the ti compendium?


                      We can recalibrate mmr again right?


                        Max is 3.5K. Idk if that recalibration thing in TI Compendiums would be given.

                        ✪ Ben Dover

                          another trash game where my mid and offlane were 0/8
                          now i got a 1,6k with a 3,2k m8, both asking for core roles


                            2329 2 wins 0 loss
                            First game went smoothly, farm was exceptionally easy and it was a heaven for any anti-mage player, fed some stupid death from slight overconfidence and their burst damage quickly handled me (well I've been first picking AM since forever so w/e) but basically the team won the game 4v5 without me
                            Then I played a shitfest game where I had my jungle bald, played with severe draft disadvantage, not to mention my constant ping spikes and 10% packet loss
                            Won because of enemies' retarded item builds and rapier feeds

                            Tento komentář byl upraven
                              Tento komentář byl smazán

                                i was 1.25k mmr and now i am 3.1k
                                yes i acc the challenge :) i will be coming here alot


                                  If someone is in the 3k bracket in team party, and wants to team up to 4k bracket, check my profile and add me. EU server :-)


                                    @Reisen you were 25 MMR away from 4k when you said you were joining rofl what do you expect. No one even said you are in.


                                      Up 👆


                                        Updating this thread since I now reached 3.2. Only gained a couple of points from last update but this would do for today. Could have gained +75 today. If not for the last game where in sniper got dc'd for long and decided to feed the moment he recon'd. I tried my best to win the game, but obviously you can't win all.


                                          High skill already. Gained 354 points since I started. Hopefully I'll reach 4K by next 3-4 weeks (might take 2 weeks if time allows).


                                            3.3K now kids, 700 points more. Lol.


                                              whos that chic in ur profile


                                                Yukiko, my imaginary girlfriend. :cry:


                                                  i have reached from 3.6 to 4.3 in 1 week using one hero. if you interested, i can tell the secret


                                                    u rush linken on weaver?


                                                      Nevermind Akai. If only I have time, I am already 4K by now.



                                                        Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                        commends swapper

                                                          sweet delusion on this forum will never get old


                                                            @yukiko and I was wondering how u have a sub 50% wr. That graph is really enlightening thx.


                                                              While you're climbing from high 2k to 3.3k in 2 weeks alice have been stuck in the shithole for months lol

                                                              Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                I'm 2k btw haHAA


                                                                  You'll be stuck in 2k forever


                                                                    @jacked back then i usually play this account with my friends. I use it also for experimental purposes and trolling. Lend it to my cousin a year ago thats why it dropped to 2.7k. I guess thats the reason also why it has sub 50% win rate.


                                                                      Im almost 3.4k now.


                                                                        And the abandons also. 52 abandons is counted as a loss. You know. Third world problems. Blackouts are imminent especially summer.


                                                                          this is adult thread no kid allowed


                                                                            Ane bukan bocah sumpah


                                                                              Pretty sure you'd get 4k before I get there
                                                                              Oh wait I'm not even 3k :thinking:


                                                                                3.4K my boys. Halfway near.


                                                                                  But 3.4 x 2 = 6.8, not 4


                                                                                    Jesus you have alot of free time


                                                                                      Im not that active as of this time but ill try to race till 4k with you guys^^


                                                                                        I only play 3-5 games per day. Is that too much?

                                                                                        mr. rabbit

                                                                                          compared to a pro gamer not at all

                                                                                          but to a normie i guess that's normal

                                                                                          doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                            I play a game a week but 3-5 might be too much per day. Climb how you are comfortable, you're the one playing the game after all


                                                                                              just normal i think ^^ race to 4k sea server XD

                                                                                              mr. rabbit

                                                                                                im racing with my main


                                                                                                its a race im for sure not gonna win, but it doesnt hurt to try xd


                                                                                                  Well. All I thought 3-5 games a day was normal.

                                                                                                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                                                    I might minimize my playing time once I reached 4.2K. I'm gonna be happy with that.