General Discussion

General Discussionmagnus aghs viability

magnus aghs viability in General Discussion
i follow Jesus.

    which heroes do you think benefit more from the aghs? drow lina tb troll? is there a priority for aghs (is it even worth anything before shivas or refresher?? :thinking:)
    not spending mana is nice but who the fuck is gonna stay in 900 range from you??

    casual gamer

      meepo only


        Anything is possible. I tried building Aghs on Sven before because I played support. Magnus is also possible. Remember the time when Tidehunter Aghs was considered a gimmicky item? It is now considered a core on Tide. It is the same with Magnus.


          tide aghs isn't core, its just good.
          magnus aghs is almost never good, even when u have meepo the game shud be over before it gets priority of purchase

          Dire Wolf

            Sven aghs doesn't depend on sevens position core or support but depends on if your team has good right clickers. If you have 2 or more plus sven it's very good.


              I still went aghs because we have meepwn hahahahaha


                I think Pugna . Anyway, do TB and Troll have benefit from agha?
                And i do agree with @Dire Wolf. It depends on Sven' allies.
                Has any one tried building agha for CK? I often play CK as a pos4 sup and i found agha quiet good for him

                Tento komentář byl upraven

                  ^the moment my cousin and I saw the patchnotes. We tried CK support having luna take safelane. We ended the game in less than 25min. Its quite a good item on CK pos 4 i think.


                    sven aghs is good with shit like morph and tiny, cuz they have an assload of base dmg.
                    its retarded with morphling cuz he has a lot of attack speed too.