General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy does nobody counter slark with AA?

Why does nobody counter slark with AA? in General Discussion

    AA ultimate.. Lower CD than slark ult.. Carry can go ham on slark after ult


      really makes you think :thinking:


        Any half decent slark would make aa feed. That hero can't do shit to you


          AA is useless in lane, needs a shitload of xp and gold from pos4/5 and it is quite hard to actually land the ulti without setup from a teammate. Also AA is a walking freekill for Slark as soon as SB comes out.

          one syllable anglo-saxon

            aa is my favorite support to play against because he has no answer to u jumping on him whatsoever

            one syllable anglo-saxon

              and he also builds midas aghs so in best case scenario he'll say like that for 25 mins at least


                Well lets look at it.

                his 1st skill, dact pact
                2nd skill slark does not care about
                3rd. again, doesn't care about

                ult: It only lasts for 8 seconds assuming you hit him.

                The issue with AA is he is complete and utter glass. He wants his aghs, yet he has to buy wards for a min 15 SB slark. If your team is fighting on the other side of the map, by the time the ice ball comes, its too late. Slark will feed on you hard.

                At like lvl 12 you are still sub 1k hp and like 4 armor. You are dead so super fast.


                  slark is a counter to aa? Lmao , u see slark can 4 hits an aa Always

                  Dire Wolf

                    it's pretty hard to land an aa ult on a mobile hero as well. AA is a better counter to lifesteal heroes or healing ones like omni and necro since they try to heal entire team and get greaves, and troll and alch since they'll be meleeing in a team fight


                      Not that easy


                        I've played quite a lot of slark, honestly aa is not a great counter to slark.

                        Yes, it's great that ice blast will rape slark's ability to heal...

                        thing is, most aa's feed slark because aa requires great positioning. What does aa have like 800 hp 20+ mins in? Once slark gets his shadow blade, aa will die every time he pounces on him.

                        It requires a really good aa to give slark a hard time. Slark has a huge movement speed bonus, so it can be hard to guess where to aim first off.. and he has mobility with pounce.

                        I prefer to go against squishy supports like AA and Rubick because I can just skitter around the heroes that matter and get a free kill on those supports then leave. I make sure to go behind all of the heroes and look in the fog of the trees and such, because there's almost always a support who thinks he's smart hiding in the woods or under a t2 or something. It's REALLY easy to counter an aa as slark if you know what you're doing.

                        If you're slark vs aa, just don't take a normal teamfight. That's what an idiot does. Just let your team fight, while you look for the supports in the back.

                        ALSO, slark requires a ton of lockdown. AA doesn't do that. You might say "Well, my team should pick cc" but guess what? Even in 4 or 5k your team might pick a stupid draft with no stun. If you put all of your eggs in one basket.....


                          nah, slark will just flee.

                          Savvy Cat

                            AA would be dead before he ever got a chance to attempt to counter the Slark. That would be Slark's innate counter.

                            also jdf8

                              aa was a garbage hero havent played since the buffs


                                pick mid AA become john madden


                                  with AA you just need to play in a group where you can coordinate

                                  randoms will not listen if you say "blast coming here" or "axe jump in ill blast"

                                  but when you have a mate that plays smth like axe on teamspeak its soo good

                                  and AA isnt a weak laner. at lvl 2 you have chilling touch and cold feed.
                                  in a trilane with 2 stuns thats a guaranteed kill on any offlaner.

                                  also you need a true pos 5 support that buys the heavy load of wards so that you get your midas - rod of atos - aghs, a poor pos 5 aa just sucks

                                  Tento komentář byl upraven
                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                    ops point is legit tho. slark is strong in the early stages of the lategame, even stronger if enemy doesnt have sufficient burst (lion lina clinkz luna) to make him pop ult early, or if there is no sufficient lockdown that was saved for him. taking him to 1/3 hp for him to press s and come back with full hp. taking that away from him will make him use dark pact more carefully, and thus open more room for mistakes. not to mention he cant pounce out of the fight to heal bcs aa ulti lasts fairly long

                                    same reason why people pick aa vs alchemist. alchemist has close to the mobility slark has but aa is often picked to counter alche even in past pro games. all it needs is the right setup, or maybe some dedication on tha aa players part to hold ult until someone successfully stunned slark


                                      alch is no where near as mobile as slark wtf?
                                      pounce is on a 6 second cd wtf does alch have?
                                      he is fast, but he tends to just sit in the middle of a fight radiance burning everyone

                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                        manta bots level 3 ult at minute 20? have you seen that guy run?

                                        and regarding the tends to just sit in the middle of the fight, smart alches will know to abuse their regen and speed and try to back off to heal, sort of like slark, before going back to fight. his team should be able to cover his escape and alche should have done enough damage so as not to let the enemy team completely destroy his


                                          Lot of slark players were noob


                                            enigma better lmao you got no problem farming


                                              until you get ranged stuns and silences

                                              or a god damn warlock that stuns you out of black hole with active bkb just by pressing R

                                              meanwhile on AA the further away from the teamfight the better