General Discussion

General DiscussionHero Counters should be considered exclusively in higher mmr

Hero Counters should be considered exclusively in higher mmr in General Discussion

    Hello guys,

    I feel that hero counters (best vs and worst vs) should be considered in exclusively highger mmrs. This way it would show real hero potentials. I remember one day lion had disadvantage vs slark. It was completely untrue. It was only that at low mmr people miss up the hex and stun and slark just purge them off; they should wait dark pact instead and lion would have advantage then.

    I just said this as an example. My point is sometimes at high mmr players know there hero well and how to counter other heroes with it. at lower mmr, the hero might have potential to counter X enemy but the player might be un-aware of that. so adv. & disadv. at low mmr is how it is not how it would be if executed properly. Can this be added to the statistics? or is it already there and I am not aware of it? I can see meta trends but that doesnt show best vs and worst vs for me.

    It is fine to consider at low mmr too but that should be separate consideration. So consider all games. consider high mmr games. OR consider all games and consider counter at each bracket.

    is that too much to do? xD

    Toto téma bylo upraveno
    doc joferlyn simp

      Lion is a counter to Slark not just because he has two stun abilities, it's because he can force Slark to pop his Shadow Dance early. Even with good Slarks there is simply no way you can defend yourself against it, other than popping Shadow Dance before Lion Fingers you ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°). In which case Lion has already done his job by twisting your hand into ulting at a sub-optimal time. The stuns are just the cheese on top of the crackers.

      Regarding your the adv. and disadv., I agree and should be regulated according to MMR. It is highly relevant because a 1k Io and a 5k Io are 2 completely different heroes.


        TBH slark eats most heroes in lower mmr



          Gabba Gabba Games TTV



              nice idea
              he could just instant hex when slark show himself
              if he purge it then use your stun
              its ground hit shadow dance wont help


                idk even i knew how to place a sentry and hex him while he is in his shadow blade


                  I think there should be consideration at each major too and TI and such events at pro scene. It can tell us when hero is OP and when he was underrated.

                  or is this info already available? how can we find it?

                  Edit: nvm I found this

                  Tento komentář byl upraven

                    i think the problem is with the data, there's not that many 5k+ games for dotabuff to count counters off


                      Yea good idea. You split winrate of heroes according to brackets because heroes perform differently at different brackets. So u should do the same for hero matchups


                        @🍩🍪Cookie🍪🍩 over millions of years we will statistically get to the real value.

                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                          sure i can have 100 winrate in ns as bristle but if i play higher mmr i will lose and i never won ranked with bb in tea nor lose vs him


                            so when will this be applied? or is it already applied? maybe its there but needs subscription to dotabuff or something (im totally ignorant in this part)

                            Chao Vritra

                              when i play slark i panick and pounce and just hit all my skills and active items at once




                                  26 days ago

                                  TBH slark eats most heroes in lower mmr

                                  pa also