General Discussion

General DiscussionAny advice? Genuine replies please?

Any advice? Genuine replies please? in General Discussion
Smokey - Supp

    I know asking for a genuine reply on forums is like asking a rainbow to appear outta my ass but still, worth a try.

    I've been playing dota for about a year and two months now (with month breaks sometimes), I am currently 1k mmr, have been 1.3 something. Now I aint here to bitch about people or talk shit about people, I'm aware that my temper is my undoing a lot of the time and that if I flamed less then maybe I could improve my 51% win rate, but I do have questions, if you don't mind answering them.

    1) How do I stop getting angry at this game? (Now I understand that my mood out of the game will effect this and I do suffer with depression and anxiety, but they are also a reason I love this game so much, because it helps to take away from my destructive and sometimes pretty dark and upsetting thoughts)

    2) Any tips for getting better as a player? specifically aimed at someone who plays within the 1 - 2k mmr bracket. (No sarcastic crap please, I suffer enough being in this bracket xD)

    3) How can I communicate with my team properly in a high stress match? maybe a match that would include a comeback of some sorts and we are trying to articulate it, but everyone's on edge due to mistakes, people just go at each other instead of trying to combo.

    4) How do I recognise which area's of my game I need to improve? I have no idea how to use this site to do it properly xD help? xD

    5) I have met players that have accounts at level 40 - 80 that have less triple kills, less courier and first blood kills, less gpm and xpm, less last hits, less everything and yet I am still stuck at their mmr bracket? How do I break past the 1k mmr wall? (I have around 850 matches with 22 more wins than losses on my account, I have 373 commends for those 440 odd wins)

    Thank you for reading this all if you have and thank you for any responses that will actually help.

    Sincerely A 1k mmr player who wants to get better.

    General Asim Muneer

      1) theres no secret. .. U just stop being angry and mute the toxic players.. Try to not tilt! Even if it looks like u lost the game, do your best.. Never type gg

      2) most 1-2k players are mechanically weak.. Means they do not last hit efficiently, dont use skills properly, lack teamfight focus etc.. so try to improve those .. But in that bracket, if you outfarm everybody you autowin!

      3) try using voice or type that they need to finish the game early. Kill rosh whenever it is up and go for the push! I know many will not listen but most will do this way

      4) you watch pros play and think what would you be doing instead of what they are doing. Try to think why... Watch stream of spammers of hero you think u need to improve at

      5) those things do not matter... U need to destroy ancient to win,right?

      old man

        i dont have much advice for improving self mechanics and skills as it will improve over time, but if you have the desire to climb more mmr in lower 2k, i would suggest you to play heroes that are good at ratting towers. low mmr players tend to walk around aimlessly trying to find kills and never really counter push so rat is the easiest way to win down there. oh and never use mic in low mmr games, you gonna get muted instantly, both verbal and chat. if anything (rosh, push) just ask using chat.


          1. Give less fucks
          2. Be disciplined, analyze replays, play with logical thinking
          3. You either be nice and calm or ignore them and do your own thing
          4. Die less, and pretty anyone below 3k need to improve their farming efficiency, see winning conditions
          5. Levels doesn't matter, I've met decent lvl 20 smurfs on 3.5k and dogshit lvl 90 shitstains, and nice high lvl people compared to dogshit lvl 20s
          It doesn't matter


            1.) first off ur bad, idk why u are getting angry its probably bc of your teamates not doing what u want. things cant go ur way all the time.

            2.) learn the game. watch pro matches watch ytube videos learn specific heroes play all lanes learn popular heroes in todays meta.

            3.) dont try to communicate u are at sub 1k mmr people there are probably bad. u need to improve urself and play for urself

            4.) its not that hard watch a pro players game then watch urs.

            5.) holy shit that doesnt matter