General Discussion

General DiscussionMy Personal Dota 2 Blog [2017 Edition]

My Personal Dota 2 Blog [2017 Edition] in General Discussion

    WIN, MMR up to 4073

    Match Id: 3146995483

    Luna Safe Lane Carry
    K-D-A: 20-6-24
    GPM: 643
    XPM: 709
    Dmg: 68.2k

    Should have been an easy finish around the 40 minute mark but people really throw games very easy after getting 1-2 raxes.
    That feeling that you just swept their base but then give up a full team wipe doesn't really bode well most of the time because it enables enemy cores to get their items.

    Good thing I have already learned from previous games to #neverjoinstupidity

    Case in point was during a T3 push by enemies right after they team-wiped us. As my teammates started re-spawning, they went in 1 by 1 against 5 heroes. Our Shadow Fiend also bought back very early for no reason at all - I mean why buyback if you don't have anyone to go with you anyways? Are you going to fight 1 v 5? etc?

    Same pressure they gave me when we got raxed at top and mid. They wanted me to buyback and I was just ignoring them.
    WHY? Because it would only be a 3v5 engagement and if I die there, game would have been over.

    simple late game decisions prove to be very crucial and sad to say, we 4ks experience it quite a lot.

    Item Progression:
    00:37: Wand
    04:34: Headress + Brown Boots
    07:24: Aquila
    09:20: Treads
    14:00: HotD
    17:34: Dragon Lance
    21:11: Hurricane Pike
    29:04: Manta
    35:48: Skadi
    50:54: BKB
    57:05: Satanic
    1:04:24: Boots of Travel

    Tento komentář byl upraven

      LOSE, MMR down to 4048

      Match Id: 3147148919

      Luna Safe Lane Carry
      K-D-A: 7-4-3
      GPM: 449
      XPM: 565
      Dmg: 10.8k

      Jungle Wraith King and an Offlane Kunkka versus a jungle AM.
      4k game at its finest while our Invoker fed SF big time.

      No need explain, game was over. I tried my best to split the enemy up.
      But by the time I did that, they already have Boots of Travel and we haven't even touched any of their Tier 1 towers.


        No updates boys. Already started on my new job. Still no access in office laptop so I'm just here reading some documents and doing mobile internet browsing.
        Things will get pretty busy soooon.

        I might only be able to play games on Sunday evenings

        Tento komentář byl upraven

          I know that you're a spectre spammer at heart, but when that build came around I thought you'd rise up in MMR easily. I had success with it despite having no idea about my limits with the ult and what not. Also just realized that badman was over a year ago, time really flies doesn't it?


            ^ I was successful with Spectre way before the badman build came out. I was building her vanguard or blademai depending on the situation. But then again, its 3k and 4k shit tier. From as low as 3.2k, I went back up to 4.5k. I stopped playing spectre because the storm and jugg era happened. I went down to 4.2k. When they got nerfed, thats when badman build came out but i wasnt playing that often anymore.

            But yeah time flies.

            Fox McCloud

              Saddest thread 2k17 BibleThump


                LOSE, MMR down to 4024


                Match Id: 3160825599

                Spectre Safe Lane Carry
                K-D-A: 14-8-12
                GPM: 541
                XPM: 634
                Dmg: 43.7k

                Had to 1st pick her as someone was marking safe lane carry.
                Struggled really hard playing against an aggressive semi 3 lane - me and Jakiro vs PA + Slardar + Roaming Pudge

                I switched to jungle to let Jakiro sap exp in lane around 5 minutes in as we were dying multiple times.

                They snowballed from there. I wanted to get Midas and transition to mid game items but my teammates wanted me to go straight radiance - which I think was really bad given that they were already knocking at T3 mid.

                This was my first game back in ranked match after my first week at a new company.

                I actually have to refresh my skills in some technologies in preparation for next week.
                +Hadoop Spark and Tableau.
                Just getting some needed relaxation for tonight.


                  WIN, MMR up to 4048


                  Match Id: 3160966919

                  Spectre Safe Lane Carry
                  K-D-A: 11-5-23
                  GPM: 575
                  XPM: 697
                  Dmg: 29.4k

                  It was a difficult laning stage once again - me and Pudge vs Axe and Dazzle
                  But everything turned around when their AM got dc.
                  Yes, Axe and Dazzle were still strong. But it was just a matter of time before the tides turn around.

                  Ez katka win.


                    good idea to write these down after game i'll do em when i start tryharding. but imma write them down for myself on paper and keep em really short and not in sentence form since if u wanna play 5 matches a day this speed up things. also can kinda help reduce tilts if u see what u did wrong and stuff


                      Troll warlord.. Heard of the hero? Try him..


                        @Sia yes. exactly the point. So that you'll keep in mind all learnings and not just throw them away.

                        @Crusader have to practice him first.. how is he in 4k tier?



                          WIN, MMR up to 4072

                          Axe Offlane
                          K-D-A: 12-8-21
                          GPM: 580
                          XPM: 684
                          Dmg: 32.5k

                          Somebody got his Lycan 1st pick carry to steal my lane so I had to play proper and adjust.
                          Enemy got Jugg and so and I played Axe.

                          Still struggled early laning phase as I started 0-4, just like the previous time I used Axe (
                          But game is easy when I play this hero.
                          There's just so much vision and opportunities to get a good call all throughout the entire game.

                          Using this hero is way easier than playing as carry and trying to win 1 v 9 the entire game.


                            he's in top3 of meta. or at least was...


                              u need personal doctor not thread ,btw u never gona get 5 k u cant win 3k games and u dont know mid heroes



                                WIN, MMR up to 4097

                                Luna Safe Lane Carry
                                K-D-A: 11-1-15
                                GPM: 725
                                XPM: 803
                                Dmg: 23.6k

                                easy lane against offlane Monkey King. Enemy drafted a Shadow Fiend-Invoker lineup while I had Spiritbreaker, Axe and Pudge.
                                The ultimate space creators.

                                Died once due to a Shadow Fiend early Shadow Blade item.

                                Other than that, the rest was easy.

                                Tento komentář byl upraven


                                  LOSE, MMR down to 4073

                                  Viper, Safe Lane Dual Lane Dual Carry
                                  K-D-A: 1-6-4
                                  GPM: 379
                                  XPM: 480
                                  Dmg: 8.8k

                                  I AM PART OF THE CANCER.

                                  Should have been an EASY GAME.
                                  Should have been a 5-game predict streak

                                  Enemy drafted Jugg-Spec-Sniper
                                  And I last safe lane picked Viper
                                  I wanted to play aggressive to punish their greedy lineup
                                  But the stupid SLARDOG took Top Lane as he wanted to play carry because I picked Viper.

                                  I AM PART OF THE CANCER and I never gave up my lane as we dual laned top against Jugg while a could have been easy bottom lane against Spectre was lost. Spec got Vanguard + Phase Boots + Wand around 15-20 minutes. While I just bought my first item midas.

                                  I am willing to LOSE this game as I'm never gonna get moved or adjust by STUPIDITY.

                                  I will climb this 5k MMR my way.

                                  On to the next one.


                                    yo just replace luna with troll. really not as good as the start of the patch 7.


                                      WIN, MMR up to 4098


                                      Spectre Safe Lane Carry
                                      K-D-A: 8-9-26
                                      GPM: 589
                                      XPM: 709
                                      Dmg: 38.8k

                                      Easy game. It was a Troll-Magnus combo. I knew we going to win from start.
                                      But props to Timbersaw as well as he had a strong EARLY and MID game.


                                        WIN, MMR up to 4122


                                        Viper Safe Lane Carry
                                        K-D-A: 25-3-18
                                        GPM: 699
                                        XPM: 692
                                        Dmg: 55.5k

                                        Why does nobody trust a Viper Safe Lane Carry in pubs?
                                        #1) Offlaner is taken out of the game for the first 20 minutes
                                        #2) Low Maintenance required from supports
                                        #3) Allows your wannabe position 4 to jungle
                                        #4) 2nd skill allows you to get most kills
                                        #5) Imba talent tree


                                          After stomping on a Saturday night... I just got sent to Low Prio by idiots.
                                          Need 4 games to win.

                                          Til next week noobs.

                                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                                            hey noone cares
                                            fuck off

                                            Tento komentář byl upraven

                                              Saturday game day! Let's go!

                                              Hoping for another 6-1 slate (+125 MMR)


                                                Just got home.. almost 12 midnight.. and going to have a warm up Lycan game on a 3k party...


                                                  LOSE, MMR down to 4097


                                                  Spectre, Safe Lane Carry
                                                  K-D-A: 18-11-10
                                                  GPM: 532
                                                  XPM: 767
                                                  Dmg: 47% (54.9k) of team total (116.3k)

                                                  First game back in ranked after a week and nobody freaking helped me @ top as my stupid supports - AA and MK tri laned with Nyx at bottom resulting in a 15-4 early game Kill score in favor of Radiant enemy.

                                                  I underestimated the right clicks of Puck as I died 3x during the laning stage.

                                                  I got the game extended til 50 minutes as I built 19-min: BladeMail + 27-min: Diffusal which eventually led to my 33-min: Radiance

                                                  but our MK, Lina and AA always died right before the enemy starts sieging the T3 towers.
                                                  These led to 2 easy raxes and a lot more gold and item advantage as their position 4 midas mirana strongly transitioned to another core

                                                  In the end, Spectre's strength eventually plateau'd and them taking rosh after rosh - the ending was just inevitable

                                                  Thank you to my team's KDA
                                                  Nyx: 5-15-20
                                                  AA: 6-16-17
                                                  Lina: 7-15-12
                                                  MK: 5-16-13


                                                    WIN, MMR up to 4121


                                                    Spectre Safe Lane Carry
                                                    K-D-A: 6-5-12
                                                    GPM: 532
                                                    XPM: 590
                                                    Dmg: 21.7% (22.1k) of team total 101.6k

                                                    We got a Jungle Meepo and again I had a 1v1 lane against Magnus - he was able to kill me again once or twice.

                                                    I think I have to revisit my laning stage concepts as this is the 2nd straight game I have underestimated my lane opponent

                                                    I went for a 20M: BladeMail + 26M: Diffuse + 34M: Midas (coz I got pissed off that we were farming all day long against an AM + Magnus +SF) + 40-min: Radiance

                                                    Good thing our Ember was very strong as he pawned enemy SF to 2-10-7 KDA

                                                    I kited axe couple of times and it kinda snowballed from there as Magnus was not able to properly setup a teamfight except for a few shadow blade solo RP tactics.


                                                      LOSE, MMR down to 4097


                                                      Spectre Safe Lane Carry
                                                      K-D-A: 9-8-15
                                                      GPM: 508
                                                      XPM: 641
                                                      Dmg: 41% (43.5k) of team total 105.6k

                                                      Played bad AF this game. Got triggered early by enemy SF shadow blade tactics as he bought early SE.

                                                      Hayyyyy..! Good morning! Move on!


                                                        LOSE, MMR down to 4072


                                                        Spectre Jungle
                                                        K-D-A: 3-5-1
                                                        GPM: 328
                                                        XPM: 353
                                                        Dmg: 18% (8.7k) of team total 48k damage

                                                        OFFICIALY TILTED for 2 games.

                                                        I marked safe lane carry but Jugg 1st picked it. I didn't see it coming, coz I would have first picked myself.

                                                        But I still chose Spectre and jungle afkd AF. I thought we still had a chance though but our Invoker build was Quas + Wex inspite of LC presence. Would have been an easy Duel + SS combo but nah. We 4k are too good for that.

                                                        Again, officially tilted.

                                                        And it looks like, people are first picking SF now eh?

                                                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                          LOSE, MMR down to 4048


                                                          Spectre Safe Lane Carry
                                                          K-D-A: 7-12-23
                                                          GPM: 446
                                                          XPM: 578
                                                          Dmg: 32% (47.6k) of total 145.9k damage

                                                          totally not in the mood. too many stuff in my mind.
                                                          answering back with noob 4ks when i could have simply just muted them.

                                                          arrrrrrrgh. lunch. take a bath then come back stronger.


                                                            WIN, MMR up to 4096 (double downed!)


                                                            Viper Safe Lane Carry
                                                            K-D-A: 7-5-15
                                                            GPM: 558
                                                            XPM: 617
                                                            Dmg: 15% (17.6k) of total 115.4k damage

                                                            Our Axe carried this game to victory as he went 16-0 til mid game.
                                                            I wouldn't say I was bad but my choice of hero enabled Axe to freely jungle.
                                                            Had I picked a Spectre/Luna then our bottom would have got rekt from start.
                                                            But yeah, my damage here was pathetic as BS + PA + QOP + Slardar bursted me very easily..
                                                            I double downed this game coz I know our lineup was better.

                                                            Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                              WIN, MMR Up to 4120


                                                              Viper Offlane
                                                              K-D-A: 9-5-19
                                                              GPM: 645
                                                              XPM: 741
                                                              Dmg: 20% (18.5k) of total 90.2k damage

                                                              It seems I'm only going to win with Viper for this weekend.
                                                              Rekt their offlane with CM helping me with the 1st 2 waves.
                                                              After that, lane was clean as Sven was forced to jungle while I faced Venomancer.

                                                              Easy game nothing much to say


                                                                LOSE, MMR down to 4096


                                                                Luna, Safelane Carry
                                                                K-D-A: 13-6-14
                                                                GPM: 549
                                                                XPM: 729
                                                                Dmg: 29% (41.5k) of total 138.9k damage

                                                                I'm really getting bashed every time I build Agh's Scepter on Luna.
                                                                Might have to be more selective in building it in-spite of good K-D-A returns.
                                                                I'm simply becoming a scapegoat for my teammates who kept on dying stupidly.

                                                                Item Progression:
                                                                14:00: HotD
                                                                16:00: Treads
                                                                19:00: Lance
                                                                26:00: Scepter
                                                                35:00: Linken
                                                                43:00: Butterfly


                                                                  luna no manta is insta report but yea they have sphere heroes but skiping manta is too bad on luna bro ( if no manta then u must go mask od madnes or drums )

                                                                  scepter was a waste and that lost u game
                                                                  u will never get more mmr if play wrong silly item build
                                                                  i dont know u meme build or simply suck


                                                                    WIN, MMR up to 4120


                                                                    Spectre, Safelane Carry
                                                                    K-D-A: 13-7-21
                                                                    GPM: 561
                                                                    XPM: 603
                                                                    Dmg: 37% (60.6k) of total 161.9k damage

                                                                    One of the weirdest games I played..
                                                                    - Last pick techies who wanted solo offlane
                                                                    - Enemy randomed Tinker after having an SF pick
                                                                    - But it turned out enemy Windranger took mid while Tinker played safelane and their SF played offlane

                                                                    Found myself joining the mid-game team fights while our Invoker farmed selfishly and just assisting through Sunstrikes which gave him 10-1 KDA start.
                                                                    When I figured out what Invoker was doing, I started playing selfishly as well and focused on my own farm.
                                                                    Techies kept us intact as he held our towers from enemy pushes and ganks inspite of their lead.
                                                                    We eventually overwhelmed them as they didn't really have anything to stop the Haunt + Ice Blast + Invoker skills combo

                                                                    My first Spectre win this weekend! lol


                                                                      u got dominator o luna safelans min 14 as first item

                                                                      i get it at 5 min without treads

                                                                      better get helm at 5 min u gona get treads faster and survive more


                                                                        should have slept and ended the weekend +25 MMR higher than last week..

                                                                        but got tempted to play 2 games and all is gone.. now 4092 hayyyyy!


                                                                          After 1 week of work and some notable patch changes..

                                                                          WON, MMR up to 4120
                                                                          Luna, Safe Lane Carry
                                                                          K-D-A: 18-4-13
                                                                          GPM: 654
                                                                          XPM: 757
                                                                          Dmg: 23% (43.1k) of total 187.3k damage

                                                                          Neutral creep spawn every minute? Check
                                                                          Ring of Health item for HotD? Check

                                                                          Well, Sven is back in the patch because of the neutral spawns?
                                                                          I say Luna even got stronger because of it.

                                                                          Easy game all throughout


                                                                            still have only played 1 game so far this weekend..
                                                                            out with girlfriend yesterday looking for a new place closer to our work places
                                                                            now, we're in a coffee shop doing some financial planning

                                                                            still have 2 things on my plate:
                                                                            1. testing out Tableau visualizations
                                                                            2. some machine learning codes
                                                                            3. haircut

                                                                            then hopefully can get a couple of games tonight sheesh


                                                                              Dude if somehow I managed to overtake you. There's something wrong in your pattern.

                                                                              doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                Hit skillcap, that's all


                                                                                  WIN, MMR up to 4145


                                                                                  Luna, Safe Lane Carry
                                                                                  K-D-A: 10-4-17
                                                                                  GPM: 597
                                                                                  XPM: 691
                                                                                  Dmg: 27% (27.6k) of total 92.9k damage

                                                                                  Another field day for me... this 1-min neutral spawns is making it really easy for me to farm.
                                                                                  If this goes on, I'll hit 4.5k in no time


                                                                                    why does this thread not get locked btw? it was self bumped by the author out of the abyss of old posts a lot of times alrdy

                                                                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                                                                      Let the man indulge himself. He's not harming anyone anyway


                                                                                        sam should make a personal blog for himself where he can be anything he wants. High IQ king and constantly praise himself


                                                                                          LOSE, back to 4120


                                                                                          Axe Jungle
                                                                                          K-D-A: 3-11-5
                                                                                          GPM: 371
                                                                                          XPM: 403

                                                                                          Played like a cancer this game coz Slark stole my lane. Nothing to do.
                                                                                          I want to play 1 more for revenge but I remember what happened last week when I got -50 MMR just before going to sleep.
                                                                                          I'll end it at this and probably play part ranked or something.

                                                                                          Til next week again!


                                                                                            LOSE, MMR down to 4096


                                                                                            Viper Safe Lane Carry,
                                                                                            K-D-A: 5-4-6
                                                                                            GPM: 426
                                                                                            XPM: 476
                                                                                            Dmg: 24% (18.7k) of total 76.4k damage

                                                                                            Strong Early and Mid Game but as typical 4ks do. We can't close out the game.

                                                                                            - This patch gives you non-stop resources to farm.
                                                                                            - This makes it even harder for pub 4k's to know when to take objectives
                                                                                            - A complete example for this game is when our TA decided to clear Jungle creeps every time after getting Aegis with all the gold and exp advantage we have.

                                                                                            GG easy


                                                                                              WIN, MMR up to 4121


                                                                                              Luna Jungle
                                                                                              K-D-A: 3-6-10
                                                                                              GPM: 573
                                                                                              XPM: 549
                                                                                              Dmg: 24.3k (15.7%)of 154.4k damage

                                                                                              - Weird game as Ursa wanted me to go jungle, and so I did full greed mode by going --> PMS --> Talon --> QB --> midas --> treads
                                                                                              - It was a suicidal push kind of game as BB and ursa kept them busy while I just focus towers and rax
                                                                                              - Why because? Once the clash starts, and BB/Ursa dies, dire has all the tools to chase and team wipe
                                                                                              - we still nearly lost but yeah, we got an AM pick-off late game that gave us a buyback advantage


                                                                                                WIN, MMR up to 4145


                                                                                                Luna Safe Lane Carry
                                                                                                K-D-A: 11-1-25
                                                                                                GPM: 641
                                                                                                XPM: 712
                                                                                                Dmg: 17.3 (22.1%) of total 78.1k damage

                                                                                                - Easy game as a Luna once again, non stop farming really when you secure Early Game
                                                                                                - Good Pudge + Riki roam

                                                                                                GG Easy


                                                                                                  WIN, MMR up to 4169


                                                                                                  Spiritbreaker, Support Roaming
                                                                                                  K-D-A: 7-7-14
                                                                                                  GPM: 410
                                                                                                  XPM: 427
                                                                                                  Dmg: 17% (13.6k) of total 78.6k

                                                                                                  - Luna was stolen away from me
                                                                                                  - But enemy lineup only had 2 disables (pudge hook + sven stun) and a jungle BS
                                                                                                  - Kind of had a good harass in early game against enemy safe lane Sven
                                                                                                  - little uncoordinated during mid game when enemy started to group up as 5
                                                                                                  - then I proceed to mute foul mouthed allies --> PROFIT $$$
                                                                                                  - We took the game back and won

                                                                                                  I got +75 MMR now so instead of playing another game.
                                                                                                  I learn to relax, sit down and call it a week.
                                                                                                  Will just play party queue now and have some fun :)