General Discussion

General DiscussionTIDEHUNTER

TIDEHUNTER in General Discussion

    When to pick him in offlane ? I got bullied by clinkz last game.Any help would be great ! Thanks.


      He's best against melee heroes (especially carries) because you can just walk up to the wave and anchor smash so they also lose damage and you can trade hits


        Always pick tide is the answer. I usually suggest it when the team needs a tank but lacks either lockdown or teamfight I say axe or tide. Nobody ever picks tide though cuz he's "boring"


          pick him against melee cores. if they will run safelane clinkz . you can ask for solo bottom lane on radiant or top on dire.

          Savvy Cat

            I want to try to Clarity jungle him sometime. His ult with Refresher is one of the hardest high ground sieges to deal with that I have ever encountered, but I can't lane with any hero, period.


              If he's hitting you he's not hitting creeps. Get close to be hit when he can lh a creep etc etc spam and you should win


                He's neither good or stable pick nowadays. Moreover there are way more efficient offlaners right now in the meta. Needs buffs