General Discussion

General DiscussionBristleback

Bristleback in General Discussion
doc joferlyn simp

    Thoughts on this hero? Seems to be the favorite of this meta, curious as to which buffs sent him over the edge to merit a core position in pro games. Also why aren't people picking Silencer/Timbersaw/LC against him more in high MMR games?

    Cheap Laugh Guy

      75 may not sound a lot, but it is in radius increase.


        did i miss soemthing?

        do you mean he is more meta in low mmr? because no one here has solved the bristleback puzzle


          he is just impossible to deal with. tanky = win

          зачем я начал поиск

            One of the weakest offlaners in my opinion.

            mr. rabbit

              whenever i play him i dont feel like he's particularly strong; it feels more like my enemies are too bad to deal with me

              Dire Wolf

                Silver edge crushes him so hard, I just don't think he's that good.


                  they pick timber because timbers q takes away strength giving him less health and making him easy to kill and also because timber is really mobile. lc forces bristle to face her meaning she's not dealing reduced damage to him and also silences him meaning he can't spray quills. And silencer because bristle wants to be constantlly spamming spells so silence srews him up and arcane curse will deal more damage if he continues to cast spells. That and glaives deals pure damage



                    Silver edge crushes him so hard


                      bb is definetley viable as a situational core, he is too item dependent for a true offlaner rn imo. his biggest strength is that he is rlly tanky, rlly fast, and mandates an item to counter, similar to how pa mandates mkb, bb means u have to go silver edge. it is not always a disadvantage to force people to buy an item. thing is tho that he is very bad from behind, when the enemy rclick carry is ahead and buys silver edge ur fucked, but if u use ur early game advantage to be ahead before enemy silver edge, then ull usually be tanky enough to survive.


                        last i saw him in pro games he was safelane/mid not offlaner

                        doc joferlyn simp

                          ^I was watching Rtz stream saw a game Bristle off

                          doc joferlyn simp


                            I was wondering why high MMR players (in 6k+ average games) AREN'T picking those counters more