General Discussion

General DiscussionHelp for heroes good vs melle / range

Help for heroes good vs melle / range in General Discussion

    vs melle : Dusa axe seer eartgshaker bb pa ww tech

    vs range : slark dis earthshaker ????????

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      i will assume you mean who counters melee heros/ranged heroes , such thing doesn't exist in dota since match-ups is not range related , for example AM counters medusa despite being melee while slark will have a hard time vs medusa despite being usually nice pick vs the likes of drow/sniper


        huh did u have a question


          @the rider... Slark fucks dusa wtf u talkin about...and u end up with 1000 essenceshift


            1vs1 slark obviously fuck almost every hero since this is his specialty,but medusa can control and destroy any teamfight then lead a solid push and slark have real problem going in then being forced to pop R and run back when dusa ulti ,thats why i said he will have a hard time

            Tento komentář byl upraven

              Slark is amazing vs dusa. Sure if dusas team plays against him and uses all their stuns on slark. Ofc hes bad. But thats against anyone...
              The fact that slark can take away max hp, mana and armor at the same time with his E is sooooo good. Especially since she needs all of that + mana shield makes her tanky af.
              [Edit] I also think dusas R is purgeable? So if you channel up your Q then blink in she's wasted her ult. If you're already at her when she ults. Just fucking pounce or shadow blade away. Then re-engage.

              Tento komentář byl upraven

                even if R is purgable a half decent medusa will wait to use R after , and slark is shitty teamfighter which is when medusa shine


                  it is iust played with dusa vs slqrk he didnpurged dusa stone

                  Dire Wolf

                    uhhh slark is really good vs tanky heroes who have no burst, ie medusa. He will steal a ton of stats and then kill her whole team. And medusa is ranged so no abyssal blade. Abyssal is really good vs slark, get a bash, use the active, follow up with another bash, dead slark. That's why jug and sometimes even PA are good vs slark. PA gets fucked pretty hard by silver edge but if she can jump slark with bashes she will win. And why AM is good vs slark too.