General Discussion

General DiscussionHeroes to spam to get to 5k

Heroes to spam to get to 5k in General Discussion

    Hi I quit dota about 7 months ago because it was getting linear for me. But it's been a couple weeks that I'm back and ever since I've been stuck on 4250-3900 mmr bracket.

    I can't seem to pinpoint why this is exactly happening. I play main carry and I get my farm and core items pretty much every game so I don't think I need too much improvement on farming, last hitting etc. But for some reason my winning/losing streaks are pretty unreliable.

    Should I start playing mid? Bcuz that's the only role that has the biggest impact on game
    Thanks you for your input.


      Yes. You can play any role you're good at but safelane carry atm is the worst and most difficult way to gain mmr. Safe lane is too reliant on the impact of your mid and supports in the early game. Roaming or mid is probably the best way because these are the tempo makers on which your safelane and offlane can dominate later on. Below 5K are people that think negative most pf the time. They easily tilt, throw and blame their teammates when it doesn't go their way. Good roamers and mid players feast on this philosophy. The first one who tilts loses the game. Feeding the enemy mid and safe lane player as a roamer(riki,es,mk, bara or any roamer) will literally throw their game off. Ez +25 imo

      Tento komentář byl upraven

        Don't listen to him about safelane being ineffective, stick to whatever you like and feel comfortable with
        Just like with real life, fuck your shitty excuses and work your ass to find a way to get through your problems instead of trying to find shortcuts to reach success