General Discussion

General Discussionwhat are some fun builds on a hero?

what are some fun builds on a hero? in General Discussion

    i want suggestions or if anyone wants to theorycraft a build i'll try it

    doc joferlyn simp

      Magic damage ember that doesn't get a Battlefury but goes Veil first and takes spell amp talents
      Oh wait...

      зачем я начал поиск

        Stacking moonshards on a crit carry like WK or Jug and going apeshit crazy.

        Radiance + Mjolnir carry Axe.

        Carry Beastmaster, stacking attack speed and bash.

        I'd love to see someone try right-click Dark Seer with attack speed buffing items and +120 dmg talent.


          the unkiteable sven : SnY-skadi-Abyssal-AC-moon shard + (eat moon shard)

          i really want to see how well a good player play with it


            Here is a fun build
            Work really well vs timber
            Pick am goes for the usual build get eblade instead of butterfly and get the -50 sec mana void talent. Eblade mana void ftw


              Ok I'm waiting for more suggestions and I'll try the ones that I think are the most fun.

              зачем я начал поиск

                A racecar Bloodseeker, stacking SnY/Euls multiple times with BoTs.

                old man

                  magic tiny sir, six slotted should be BoT, dagon 5, veil, octarine, ethreal, aether lens. take the +14 intel, +40 ms, + mana regen, and cd reduction. mana wont be a problem even in 60 mins game. ez 2k dmg burst


                    just go eblade od, u steal so much int that u can eblade nuke people like crazy.
                    with aether lens and octarine it sounds rlly dank
                    haven't gotten to rlly try it tho, I did once, but we lost before I even got my main items even tho I was doing ok


                      Huskar with aghs along side a Pugna with veil and aethers. Decrypify, veil, and huskar ult, will one hit kill anything even a 6k hp sven.

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                      < blank >

                        Tried a nuke type mag with +15% magic amp talent and veil but didnt turn out as well as i hoped to be hahaha i also added dag and aether but still didnt solve mana problems tho haha.


                          Ursa is the easiest hero to do silly builds with. Try the antimage ursa. Battlrfury blink diffusal manta abyssal


                            Mage huskar is kinda hilarious but hard to pull off


                              Solar crest on any hero
                              Oh wait.....

                              Cheap Laugh Guy


                                Pls test this out since you have time for meme builds


                                  dagon 5


                                    radiance invoker

                                    Giff me Wingman


                                        riki phase treads s&y deso


                                          dps darkseer by wagamama with echo sabre deso daedalus ac


                                            What about fighting am? You max mana burn then blink, get an echo sabre shadow blade maelstorm and stuff, this patch is nore about fighting than farming imo so this build can be fun


                                              Np Dagon rush is my favorite build on any hero. I laugh every time I tp into an enemy walking back to base and give him a quick zap 10 minutes into the game


                                                building 5 solar crests and satanic on huskar and walking into the enemy fountain and staying there


                                                  Aether lens rapier PA


                                                    5 Battlefury PA

                                                    low prio master


                                                      Right click nyx echo dezo crits, this works really well

                                                      >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                        kootl with mkb + deso