General Discussion

General Discussionfarm and exp as support

farm and exp as support in General Discussion

    How do you get a lot of gpm and exp as roaming support early ? I see several pro games where they play ES and not hitting any creep or getting/assisting a lot of kill early on yet still get around 400 gpm (late game with just under 100 last hit) and quick leveling ? Try to download replay, still don't understand.
    Do they need to leech exp from midlaner and offlaner ?
    The important one would be leveling up quickly. I don't understand why they were able to keep up in level after those roams.

    Toto téma bylo upraveno
    doc joferlyn simp

      Don't need a lot GPM and XPM


        It's about early level, where they can get level 4-5 quickly even after those roam.

        Royale with Cheese

          Bounty rune is very important when playing roaming support. If you have the chance, take enemy's bounty rune too. Sometimes I build midas for hero like earth spirit. Some hero have +gpm in talent tree like crystal maiden. These really helps a lot in late game. Also don't forget to stack ancient. When your carry farm the stack, share some exp. If enemy has a jungle hero, try to share exp as much as possible when they farm. Hero like riki or bounty is very good at this. And of course, make a lot of gank and avoid dying.

          Tento komentář byl upraven

            Not really out of question but still, what hero best at bullying LC jungle ? I love MK, but after constant nerf Mk can't even beat LC even if LC haven't reach lv 6. Also hero that's a bit simple to play.

            chicken spook,,,,

              You don't bully the LC jungle
              You bully their lanes 5v4

              Fee Too Pee

                ignore the jungler and bully the other lane , let the greedy jungle farm

                Cheap Laugh Guy

                  Jungle bugs are usually BH and Riki but yeah
                  You can count MK in too but I think MK is game losing in pubs and he really depends on your skill cap and your teammates expectation. I wouldn't dare touch that hero until I have a 7k sense in game.


                    Dont bully the jungler. Lol it will achieve nearly nothing in the early game. Bully the mid laner or offlane cause its surely the weakest lanes since 100% certain that they will have no backup support when they get dived. The only thing you can do to ruin junglers is to leech their exp then kill them if their hp goes low enough.

                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                      1. Don't die.
                      2. Recognise the weak lanes/heroes and gank them.
                      3. Learn how to deward economically. Not buying a sentry and 2 obs at game start then spam buying 4 obs and 4 sents at 10 minutes because your team is feeding and complaining about trash support who has arcane boots but has 0 effectiveness will not be enough to reverse the damage done. Remember, an obs placed is a sentry saved. When you have vision and can keep track of the enemy supports, you can tell where they would most likely ward, especially if you're attentive enough to watch their inventory.
                      4. Stick close to a core if there is an invis enemy: Riki/Bounty Hunter/Treant etc. That dust you bought will do nothing if that enemy has even one small item over you. Your low armour will most likely cause your death and that 90 gold on the dust charge is wasted.
                      5. Learn where, when and how many spells to use to farm the jungle or creep waves when you're not fighting. There are a tremendous amount of resources on the map and pro teams are capable of distributing it all at a constant rate.
                      6. Itemization: I would recommend buying force staff/euls scepter/glimmer cape on almost any support in almost any game. Going straight blink after boots and farming 20 minutes for aghs is going to lose you the game.
                      7. Midas: If there are atleast 2 midases on your team, dont buy it. However if you have another support with you and either he is the ward bitch or you both decide to share those costs, midas is viable. Please, just don't afk jungle for a midas into aghs if you're a solo treant support and think your new ability will save you from buying wards because supposedly that's the only thing that hero does. Please, for fuck's sake, don't do that.