General Discussion

General Discussionjust guys tell me wtf is this ?

just guys tell me wtf is this ? in General Discussion

    we was winning a game after all that slark told us that he want's to lose w/o any reason noone is flaming him or blaming
    can valve do smthing to this game ruiners in 4k brackets
    i cant believe i'm losing in 4k bracket and stucked on this shit bracket cuz of retards


      you know that there is a report system right
      that slark was a trolling trash but valve cant hire an assassin to kill him for you so all you can do is reporting


        in the end of game i couldnt report him !


          only one game. make a mental note. valve will repay you.

          everytime someone in my team abandons, i get pissed. but then valve always repays you twice. i had many games after where enemy team abandons and i dont feel bad winning those games because that mmr belongs to me

          Cheap Laugh Guy

            I seriously need more report tickets


              I am always out of report tickets


                if ones not sure about their internet status on particular day then dont play ranked on that day