General Discussion

General Discussionneed help++ with spectre

need help++ with spectre in General Discussion
i follow Jesus.

    i watched some rtz games on her and i got the main point of playing her

    i dont know how i lost my last game because they had a 4 man gank TWICE on my lane and we still won 3v4, their terroblade was awfully bad
    i honestly blame my puck pick and my drums pudge when we have no units or push whatsoever
    terrorblade's shattered mirror needs a nerf right about fcking now, i took 400 fucking damage from it twice
    i'm really good at keeping an economy
    i feel like they only won because my lion refused to place sentries with wards so we couldnt see potm ult

    i really want to know how to play this hero properly because it has fucking 60% winrate there is no way i should have lost, its either my team or i'm bad and its probably me and i want to improve
    plz halp

    [SNRA]King Dave

      u got unlucky, go next gg

      yung griphook

        watch the replay

        Visita Hari Danta

          Why the hell you focus on upgrading desolate when their team are full burst\illusions?This is simply stupid.


            u upgrade desolate after dagger cuz spec has no dps of her own and u cant trust team burst.
            ye tb's mirror is rlly good against certain heroes like luna and am, who mana burn and glaives, but also spectre cuz u take the radiance aura and the illusion can desolate.
            against tb, I wud buy as much survivability and just radiance burn him down. if u use haunt early to get some kills in a similar fashion to tb taking towers for his economy. then u translate this into haunt for winning teamfights over tb, snowballing into becoming unkillable with butterfly, heart, skadi, manta.

            i follow Jesus.

              i was getting bursted every single tf and because the fucking terrorblade had level 16 at like 22 minutes he fucking pressed q and won every single tf
              i tried my best to make plays, i did the arteezy trick with haunt and tried to spook them but they were always fucking sticking together
              we didnt have enough damage with the puck that didnt go midas ;-; i bought a fucking hood and was still getting buttfucc'd because we didnt have enough disables to stop chainstuns
              if we landed a shackle on tb they had the tusk or the lina right fucking next to them
              every single fight we got outpositioned because tusk kept zoning us
              i never managed to do the spectre thing and isolate the potm/tusk before the teamfight to wipe them because a FUCING SUPPORT POTM that tilts me so hard because every single game i have a support potm i lose
              oh they had an OFFLANE INVOKER DUAL LANING WITH POTM BTW
              i think its just puck's lack of economy that ruined us the match, we couldnt defend highround because we just couldnt nuke them out

              i still think i could have carried my team harder and the loss was still my fault smh
              my windrunner offlane flamed my first pick spectre haHAA


                dude change your settings to strict solo que. Many time party people wont play seriously or they will just help each other.

                old man

                  what concerns me the most is that your whole team doesnt deal like even 1k damage to buildings in a 40 mins game where as all your towers are taken down by the enemy. spec is a farm-dependent hero and being cut from farming the jungle and lanes really gonna hurt you a lot (and your team's farm as well). but thats all i can see from db stats so i couldnt say more cuz maybe i am wrong


                    while you just had bad luck with this team, it wouldnt surprise me if you were tilting them complaining like a bitch which then compounds the issue


                      That's tb for you