General Discussion

General DiscussionIs it ok to sell stuff like yasha?

Is it ok to sell stuff like yasha? in General Discussion
Mr. Jin

    My previous game I was wondering what item to replace the yasha and i grew lazy and juz make it into manta. Is it ok to sell off than yasha so that I can get a better item?


      Why would you buy yasha and not want to upgrade it?

      зачем я начал поиск

        It is OK to do so, assuming you have that Yasha for 20 mins at least.

        I do it, when I don't have a reason to go Manta on WK in a particular game.

        doc joferlyn simp

          Valuable investment on kitable heroes like LS and Troll. You aren't gonna put that 30 mins of farm to use if you can't hit anybody

          Mr. Jin

            Also I can't decide Dragonlance over yasha. Getting both is kinda not slot efficient. Which is better?

            doc joferlyn simp

              Think of what you are playing towards. For midgame you're prolly gonna finish that Pike. But if you're playing a lot more towards the late game (your hero is Dusa or smthng) Yasha is by far the superior choice

              LISAN AL GAIB

       prefer to sell it...get less gold than you bought it for...and not turn it into manta...kk...


                  I can't imagine any situation or hero who would benefit enough from casual yasha to ever justify it. Why would wk ever get casual yasha in the first place


                    What hero we talking about? Just get lance


                      Come on haffy
                      Yasha is better than dlance on medusa anyway
                      Your primary attacks gets dlance bonus attack range while your split shots don't


                        Medusa is the only hero that comes into my mind

                        1-IceTea 🌟

                          Why would wk ever get casual yasha in the first place

                          ^B-but Manta is good on Medusa

                          Mr. Jin

                            Yup medu my bad.

                            зачем я начал поиск

                              It is my own build.

                              Phase into Yasha with +10 int talent gives you great constant as/ms, sustainability and damage at the same time.

                              Manta is good on WK, because you farm with Radiance that much fasted and not only that, but you can dispell a lot of stuff.

                              In most games you don't need a BKB, but there's always some kind of root/silence, which kind of limits your teamfight.

                              Besides, no one expects WK to go Phase, Yasha, then BM/Radiance and suddenly Manta.

                              WK has very poor AGI and Yasha gives more AS than Armlet or Sabre.

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                              doc joferlyn simp

                                Legit haven't seen Radiance build unless there's at least 3 enemies with a Blink Dagger. Maybe that's because my games are far in between sessions but even then lmao


                                  Medusa would just get manta. If u wanted attack speed. Why not get a casual hyperstone? that at least builds into ac on wk.


                                    if your just going to sell it I feel like theres no point in getting a yasha. Now if you make like manta or sny and are now 6 slotted then yeah you can sell those for more late game items.

                                    зачем я начал поиск

                                      Doesn't give AGI, just AS.
                                      As I've said, Yasha builds into Manta and it is a good item on WK.

                                      Combined MS from Phase+Yasha enables you to get away with a really late Blink.

                                      You're harder to kite around, when you move fast and attack fast.

                                      Besides, again, no one expect a jungle WK to carry TPs and suddenly run into a fight with phase.


                                        Casual Yasha on wk seems weird af. Just get midas+windlace which is only a tiny bit more gold
                                        About the same attack speed+move speed and WAY faster farming

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                                          Well the point we r discussing is if u r not gonna build manta.


                                            Phase on wk? Wut. U already said he needs AS. Go on agi treads then.

                                            зачем я начал поиск

                                              Used to build Midas on WK and lost ~7% winrate after 20 games or so.

                                              No, thanks. I enjoy winning games.

                                              Yasha isn't weird, if you just sit and think.

                                              WK has three main weaknesses: MS, AS and armor.

                                              Yasha gives MS, AS and armor in the early to mid stages.

                                              OK, you may then say, why wouldn't I opt for Armlet or Sabre?

                                              Armlet gives more damage, HP and armor, but gives less MS and less AS, which I see as more important.

                                              Besides, I go Phase to partially offset the raw damage loss and capitalize even more on being fast.

                                              You don't need the HP of Armlet really.

                                              Sabre is inferior to both Armlet and Yasha.

                                              Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                i really don't see much point in building a casual yasha if you aren't going to upgrade it to sny or manta


                                                  Midas gives the same dps increase as a yasha to wk though lol


                                                    ^cant confirm. But seems right. If u wanted attacksoeed n movesoeed just get Midas lace lul

                                                    зачем я начал поиск

                                                      Again, I don't really see a point in proving my build works, for the game will show it anyway.

                                                      The idea is bad? Well, I'll lose then.
                                                      So far, on my last acc I had 70% WK winrate in 60 games or so and here it looks like to turn out similar.

                                                      The game and time will tell.
                                                      So far, my points work out perfectly in practice, maybe that will change, I don't know.


                                                        yasha provides 31 attack speed a little armor and a little over 30 ms depending on your hero

                                                        Midas windlace provides 30 attack speed and 20 ms.

                                                        зачем я начал поиск

                                                          I need Manta too often.
                                                          On WK I'd sell that Yasha in one game out of 7 or 8.

                                                          I do acknowledge your points about Midas+lace.

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                                                          Mr. Jin

                                                            Well I'm not sure about wk lol. But I have another question,if I build a casual yasha and dragon Lance on medu then I muz invest in those slot to make a manta and hurricane pike later? Since sny is not really good for medu.

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                                                            Dire Wolf

                                                              On medusa unless you need the defensive dispel I see nothing wrong with selling it once 5 slotted. Manta isn't really worth all the gold or worse a 6th slot on medusa compared to other items unless that dispel is really valuable. If you built something like phase boots, aquila, yasha, skadi, linkens, mjollnir, then sell aquila and buy butterfly, then what do you want? Do you really want a manta at that point vs mkb or daedulus or bloodthorne? I wouldn't. But for 2k gold it's hard to find a more valuable item on a carry, 30 ias and 16 dmg plus move speed. Aquila is close to same value for the gold but takes a slot for less stats overall.