General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy are pro supps obsessed with solar crest atm?

Why are pro supps obsessed with solar crest atm? in General Discussion
brendlol, my anaconda don't

    I mean it's gooood with the evasion and stuff but I'll always love my force staff more


      coz its like 2.7k gold for super value

      зачем я начал поиск

        It's about physical damage line-ups and heroes like Lifestealer, Ursa, TB.

        SC kinda counters them noticeably.


          12 armor +dodge... The mana regen is even a nice bonus for most of the supports as they do need some of this...

          doc joferlyn simp

            H I G H G R O U N D P U S H I N G

            1-IceTea 🌟


              it's gooood with the evasion and stuff

              Erase Humanity

                Supports often have a low agi gain, which makes them vulnerable against physical damage, and meta favors physical damage lineups. Solar Crest is one of those items that has been buffed over and over again and provides op value for its price. It has 100% up time and could be cast on roshan or a siegeing/escaping core.


                  +-12 armor plus the evasion/miss is worth the price

                  also jdf8



                      It was already overpowered even when it was first introduced. Pros just realized it lately i guess. We might see an SC nerf soon?

                      Dire Wolf

                        It also has a lot more value on coordinated teams who can focus down the target with low armor. In pubs supports don't ever get it for you, so you're forced on a carry to buy it, then you debuff your target and end up being the only one hitting it. Ends up kinda meh. But if a support buys it and debuffs a target and 3 heroes hit him that's huge value.


                          It's broken in general and in a meta where breaking high ground is difficult having a crest to put on your carry is extremely important.

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                            bro ucan take rosh in 15 sex with crest goes threw sphere and can give ally armor and eva

                            Yoichi Isagi | Blue Lock

                              You can fight heroes you normally cant like PA or WK not only they get a negative armor buff but also have a ton of miss chance. Not really technical but you have 25% evasion and they have 25% miss so almost like having PA's blur on support. Works wonders as support VS or ET. I mean it's plain out broken on ET. Just imagine playing versus an ET with solar crest and a slardar with AC. 1 hit KO is real!


                                Because it's broken


                                  +- 12 Armor for 2625 vs -7 armor for 3500.
                                  That is trading 875 gold for pressing a button. Not to mention you can use it defensively as well as offensively.

                                  Also, not just a support item. I've seen some high MMR TA's build it, as well as several offlaners and junglers.

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                                  Dire Wolf

                                    Deso also has a shit ton of dmg and ac is an aura so it's not that simple but solar crest is incredibly cheap for what it gives.

                                    Mini Pinscher of Doom

                                      Not to mention you can literally double it's efficency if you have one on yourself and then your teammate gives you it's SC buff from his.
                                      Hell, you can even TRIPLE it if a second teammate use his SC on your target.

                                      Do the math:
                                      On you:
                                      12 + 12 armor and (0.75 * 0.75) hit chance (0.5625 hit chance combined)
                                      On your target (assuming he targets you):
                                      -12 armor and 0.75 hit chance.

                                      Combined, that's a 36 (?) armor swing and a combined 0.421875 hit chance, which can be further lowered by other means of evasion (radiance, skills like blur, butterlfly).

                                      Granted, all of this can be countered by a MKB, but it's still an extreme swing in physical damage. All for (2625 * 3) = 7875 team gold total.

                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                        For the record Radiance doesn't give evasion to allies, it gives a miss chance to enemy. So it isn't really a buff like evasion, but a debuff on the enemy. Just wanted to point that out


                                          More armor is always \ good.


                                            Supports also lack a cheap armor item, besides mek/greaves and lotus but both r either situational or too expensive.

                                            Chao Vritra

                                              i have really overlooked this item on a lot of heroes. I was playing kunkka mid, went phase boots armlet. Was not sure what to get after that, decided to get a solar crest because of this topic. it worked out really well because our void and spirit breaker were ganking a lot. I am going to buy this a lot more on a lot more heroes

                                              Tyrannical Cancer

                                                Yeah solar crest is really great item. But what the hell , why can this item break through linken? Ive ever done it on medusa with linken and it get through it without activing her linken. And roshan too

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                                                >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                                                  It's cheap, amazing, and the choice to buff your team or debuff the enemy every few seconds is quite nice.

                                                  The Medic Guy

                                                    because there is literally no cool down and no mana cost for a ridiculous buff


                                                      That item fucks me over time and time again, it's so easy to get early that I just pulls down my progress. I'm forced to get an mkb but I still have to wait until after i get my bkb

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