General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat comes first

What comes first in General Discussion

    Soul ring or boots of travel on tinker?
    It bothers me coz I got a late 16mins BoT..........

    queen's speech



        generally soulring I believe.






              depends on game
              if u are owning u get travels first, if u cant get kills early then soul ring is better

              mom said it's my turn to ...

                Depends. If you have levels of march and rearm you would want soulring first so you could take camps better, or spam march in your lane.

                casual gamer

                  soul ring unless your jungle will be taken or you have heavily invested in not taking march at a reasonable level

                  Pale Mannie

                    just the thread i need to spam tinker reliably

                    Fee Too Pee

                      if u winning ur lanes , game is winning , early travels better

                      if the lane is lost , its unlikely to get travel fast, get march lvl and soulring


                        Travels before bottle let's go

                        >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                          You come first. Always.


                            I used to build travels like you retards, until I realized: tinker needs mana. Buy arcanes(insane synergy w soul ring). Then disassemble for aether and then think, what else does tinker need: mobility and damage, hence phase boots(disassembled arcanes) the. Follow up with tango 2 clarities and a gg branch, now you're set for the lategame(u can get a mango or salve in back back if needed)