General Discussion

General Discussionwhat is the most stupid kill you get in your life

what is the most stupid kill you get in your life in General Discussion

    mine is solo first blood on terrorblade as lvl 1 reactive armor timbersaw


      When 1ks dive u and die to tower


        AA ult for scouting rosh, end up killing both ursa and rosh

        Aegis got taken by enemy though


          my balls were sweaty


            nothing, my kill always youtube-worthy


              5ppl want to gank me mid. I was tinker and they dive t2 to gank me end up as a disastah


                That one time an Invoker sunstriked my necro3 warrior.

                Giff me Wingman

                  when people try to gank me mid when I'm playing meepo. It usually ends up disastrous.


                    when people try to gank me mid when I'm playing invoker. It usually ends up disastrous.


                      when people try to gank me mid when I'm playing oracle. It usually ends up disastrous.

                      old man

                        when people try to gank me mid but luckily im at another lane


                          When slark tries to gank me as cm ended up hunting him myself


                            pudge hooking my viper so I turn around and kill him under the t1 because he has no armor.


                              killing lc in the jungle with shrapnel
                              I just wanted to farm some neutrals


                                Haunted as a spectre to help kill a pudge who ended up denying himself even though ganked by three heroes. The haunt also scored a kill on a storm spirit who had been farming the jungle at 70hp and no mana. I didn't even realise the kill I picked up was from the storm spirit and not the pudge until I looked at the match summary afterwards.

                                Shikanoko Noko

                                  accidentally press R using zeus and get ultra kill


                                    Was playing storm spirit.. I ulti quite some distance to gank necro and put remnant a lil too early before I reach where I wanted to.. Then a small gank happens and the opponent AM seemed to have almost escaped.. But he blinks right into the remnant and dies..


                                      On my most recent win as Skywrath Mage, Slark you know the usual he SB's and hunts prey,he attacked me and I panicked which turned out was a good thing EULS myself then I realized I could kill him because he had already used his 1st skill so I silenced him dropped the ult then 2nd skill and didn't even need to use ATOS then boom dead.

                                      It was funny because both me and him are being stupid, I panicked and he immediately used his 1st skill so he was not able to remove the silence.