General Discussion

General Discussion706 is out

706 is out in General Discussion

    remove -respawn time talent tree
    nice nerf and buff
    item rework yet again
    150mb update per game
    bug fixes

    (can they just do it tomorrow?)


      this is the testing the actual in-game bug phase haha bear w/ it


        i like the new patch doe, i think the game will be more interesting now


          tho jungle is back


            Naga got hit really hard. Dont get why they keep hitting her with the nerf bat


              we still need ta nerf, alche (they shouldnt do changes to him) and gyro buff and its lit, and ofc sum new hero or atleast items.. im feelin really bad bout og heroes (alch, naga) which where pretty balanced and they still got nerfed but op terrorblade got nothing

              Tento komentář byl upraven

                TA buff, nice buff ? what


                  TB no longer steamrolls towers.


                    I don't think naga was nerfed that hard tbh. Neither the extra damage taken by illusions nor the 5 damage radiance reduction will have a huge huge impact on her split pushing potential.

                    As for the ulti rescaled cd I see it as a buff more than a nerf, it has longer cd at level 3 but lower cd at level 1 and 2. Any good naga player knows that at late game you rarely needed your ulti every 45 seconds anyway (with octarine) but the cool down reduction early on gives her a great survivability boost, which she needs most early game.


                      Because if they want to nerf TA. They need to do more. Her stats were nerfed but the jungle camps?


                        I thought CM will be badly nerfed lmao.


                          i never actually used any of the respawn talents lol


                            im still confused about the treant change.... is it a buff or a nerf


                              Treant got slightly slight nerf but bout i think icefrauds intention was to bring back 1 minute camp respawn + nerf heroes that would profit fom that - alche, naga, myb templar a., but they didnt do anything with antimage or terrorblade


                                Maybe its because I havent figured out how to play AM well this patch but the 20% gold reduction hurts AM quite a bit
                                You can't just fall back to jungle after a dogshit laning phase and still get min 16 BF