General Discussion

General DiscussionThoughts on Toxicity

Thoughts on Toxicity in General Discussion

    I don't consider myself a toxic person in social media, forums, basically anywhere on the internet.
    But sometimes i just get triggered by toxic people and get reeealllllly toxic in doto matches.

    Maybe I view DoTA as an outlet, sort of a mental punching bag, where all of my annoyance and frustration about internet arguments and real life arguments go.

    Maybe this is fine, having DoTA as an anger outlet is fine.

    But no. Some people just wanna enjoy the game, and I'm ruining it for them.

    Sooo... what are your thoughts?

    Isn't it better to be toxic in Dota (as a frustationn outlet) rather than somewhere else like YouTube or Twitter?
    Or is this just a weak mentality, and people shouldn't be toxic at all anywhere on the internet and irl?


      It shouldn't matter as long as you try your best every game
      People who get triggered by toxicity although they play well are usually weaklings anyway


        i dont mind it as long as nobody starts feeding intentional or afk jungling splitpushing when he gets triggered. do your best to win the game and its fine imo


          the only time it starts to get to me is when a few of my teammates dive in enemy jungle and die and as soon as they do, they start pinging (as in, why were you not with us)

          Tento komentář byl upraven

            maybe u should learn how to control urself instead of requiring an "anger outlet" ??

            Pale Mannie

              is Defense of Templar Assassin some kind of mod or what?


                toxicity is contagious I myself is becoming toxic I can tell it and there's no cure to it you might as well considered being cancer lmao


                  Defense of the Goethe


                    A lot of people here play mods of dota. We got frank on defense of the Riki, cuki on defense of the warden, etc etc.