General Discussion

General DiscussionToxicity is contagious!

Toxicity is contagious! in General Discussion

    I'm taking a month break in dota I think I have cancer now so I'll cure myself suggest me some games while I'm out of dota


      Let the tilt flow through you. Play dark souls


        i suggest you should quit dota FOREVER. Because i think many people arek toxic even 1k 2k 3k mmr. Maybr youre one of them


          I'm nowhere that toxic yet so I'm taking a break to cool off a bit I always try to be the good guy in game but stupidity makes me tilt and that doesn't just mean about my team it's about me too no one could quit dota easily and you're a toxic yourself


            jacked I'd at least clean the tilt I got so a break would be good


              take a break if you feel like you need to. there's nothing wrong with doing that.

              I found myself being a bit more toxic in the games lately, it's super easy to go on tilt especially when someone uses their mic to abuse allies...

              but the best tip is to mute people the moment they start flaming.




                  I'm currently doing it this recent days I'm being tilted so much and I can't just mute them I need communication to play because I am a support player


                    You don't need to communicate other then pings and the chat wheel.
                    Toxic games happen. Like 25% of the dota community is toxic /cancer so just accept the fact that it will always be part of the game (Unless you 5 stack with friends)

                    Solo Q with 4 other randoms is going to be a contest of who tilts first /flames more.
                    1/4 the games are decided regardless of the hero picks because you get that one A-hole who last pick randoms a Jungle slardar.
                    GGWP , FEED MID, EZ MID, etc etc.

                    its part of the game.


                      In my games it's 3/5 of games 1/5 is decent people and knows communication another 1/5 is you either lose easily or win easily and no one's at fault no communication with no toxicity