General Discussion

General DiscussionAdvice for 1-2k scrubs

Advice for 1-2k scrubs in General Discussion
\\  VintageR  \\

    If u wanna get higher mmr and score here i show u 5 single steps u can take to get those yummy +25 (only for 1-2k scrubs)
    1.- Mute everyone in your team and mark safe lane, Lycan.
    2.- Get Poor Man's Shield and tangos, and max ur passive then your w.
    3.- Go Mask of Madness, get some kills with ur ultimate + howl.
    4.- Go bigger items (Mordiggian, AC, Desolator, BKB) no rat doto, is not needed, if u fight well with your wolf u will be smashing the enemy base with your teammates meanwhile the enemy heros are, mostly, dead.
    5.- Win and repeat

    Critical Points*: -You use Mask of madness once you are in melee range of an enemy, u dont want to press "R" then mom inmediatly.
    -Dont forget blight stone/desolator are not orb effects anymore, so mom + desolator = violation.
    -Try to always get Mom ---> Mordiggian 99% of the time, after those 2 items u should see what itemization is better
    depending on your line-up and enemy's line up.
    -If someone try to contest your farm or lane dont mute him and explain why u dont go jungle ( u want 2 levels on howl
    and 3 levels on passive + ult to kill right away)
    - Since is 1-2k bracket, just mute them all and with lycan + quelling blade + ur passive (+ DMG + HP REGEN) u
    shouldn't miss any CS (At least, in case, which i highly doubt it, u have 3 very annoying heros in your lane) and also u
    shouldn't get kicked out of your lane
    Thats it, hope i can help any1 on the 1-2k bracket.


      This doesn't work. 4K MMR down forces this kind of hero to jungle. It's either you go jungle or you both lane, which soon enough youll pick the former because you are a natural jungler. I'm still getting 4 - 5 core lineups in my games. 1-icetea's lycan is far more better than this.


        How about not narrowing their mindset and let them play whatever they like

        Cheap Laugh Guy

          Oh no the cancer is spreading


            I genuinely get triggered with these "how to get mmr guide!!!" that tells people to go with a specific hero and specific item build and playstyle


              A guy with 20 matches on lycan talks about how to play lycan


                playing a hero you are not familiar with will reduce your chances of winning even if you are following the right guide , just let people play what they win with usually

                P.S. i am lycan player and i really don't agree on not leveling wolves , their strategic value and early game damage is too good to skip

                GRANT MACDONALD

                  Maxing passive shoves your lane. Good luck getting cs when your creeps are under their tower



                    A genius ( last picks Alchemist with a Storm already taking mid after I second pick Lone Druid and mark the safe lane. I say nothing, go jungle, get an early midas, fight when necessary and despite knowing the game is over, keep trying. Meanwhile the safe lane alch has 200 GPM.

                    Yes, tell me more about 'convincing 2k MMR players that you want the safe lane'. Tell me how much of a delight it is.

                    Tento komentář byl upraven
                    >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                      OP is lying.

                      Just learn and work hard.
                      I was in 2k for almost 2 years, and worked my booty long and hard to learn to get out.

                      There is no "do this, do that" since no one in 2k knows wtf they are doing and you do not really know either. But if it works in your bracket, keep doing it!