General Discussion

General DiscussionIf your carry afk jungling

If your carry afk jungling in General Discussion

    What do you do? Heh, simple. Ward the fucking jungle! Of course it made him tilt more, but eventually we won and i felt so good

    doc joferlyn simp

      Protect him until he's done? Or nah we can always go the asshole way yeah?



        死の恐怖 Haseo



            let him jungle and create space on the other side of the map

            only retards think carries shouldn't afk jungle

            BSJ. LGD

              >t. normal skill


                stroke his shaft until he is nice and big

                Tento komentář byl upraven

                  ^ that's an alternative way in doing it, it might work xD


                    >Space Created!


                      blame him because he left the lane and the offlaner freefarms (or at least thats what supports do in my bracket)


                        'let him jungle and create space on the other side of the map
                        only retards think carries shouldn't afk jungle' . lol prety sure this guys is an acc buyer.


                          lol prety sure this guys is an acc buyer.

                          Ranked MM 420 42.62%


                            ^leave him alone, he try really hard to get 420 match but fail to get flat 42.0 wr

                            Tento komentář byl upraven

                              SuPeR SeACr1t LoVe stoRies: Volume 1

                              "Daddy: I saw him in the washroom at randbowio's downtown."
                              Jacked: omfg where you ok?
                              Daddy: I just looked at him and said hello Sem, he sais nothing and barged past me.
                              Jacked slips his hand up daddys thigh
                              Jacked: You truly are a strong person, it inspires me."

                              Close curtain


                                No, I mean when 2 enemies abandoned and only ember, riki, and another defending, we have gem, why not go and win the game before they fully exploit the bonus gold advantage?


                                  you are 2k for a reason


                                    He must be praticing the 600 last hit challenge

                                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                                      Depend. Did he afk since min 0 or afk after min 10 ? if it's the 2nd, that's his job, unless if you got carry that only useful mid-game like ursa. Only hope that for the 1st probability the carry wasn't retarded since after 7.06 carry on my team that goes afk jungling since min 0 never really had huge impact in whole game, even late game.


                                        if it's an AM especially


                                          flame him for leaving the safe lane which you fucked up by being a horrible support

                                          optimal course of action is to keep writing "carry nub" in all chat and walk down mid


                                            I repeat: 2 enemies abandoned and I was afraid Ember and Riki would get to the point when they can 1-hit everyone and anyone. Also ours was Sven and I wasn't support