General Discussion

General DiscussionWhat's the point of dominating early game (as bloodseeker) if you alw...

What's the point of dominating early game (as bloodseeker) if you always end up losing hard? in General Discussion

    game 1:
    I did most damage and dominated mid, gondar made dagon to ks and then feed all his streaks back and magina made aghs for no reason and did nothing. On the other hand opponents-carries always build the right items but in my team the hard carry always has to be a noob.

    game 2:
    Here again i had a whole team who didn't want to help me and do as i say. I bought wards, dusts, gems and still when we got 1-2 kills they tp'ed to other lanes to farm and didn't push to win. I just made the standard bs build and was expecting an easy win... but no! Game had to be thrown in the abyss.

    Dark thoughts go through my mind always after such games. I could very easily commit a crime if i had them in front of me. Am i delusional guys or do i deserve some justice for the way i play?

    Toto téma bylo upraveno
    死の恐怖 Haseo

      Who is magina?

      Cheap Laugh Guy

        How do you 2v2 3v3 without your Bloodrite [W] in mid game and snowball? Ahh you have one point in it... sorry
        Maybe you should have build something to hit towers harder? Instead of Aghs... without Rupture damage talent...

        Tento komentář byl upraven

          @K-かみ👑 Magina Anti-Mage

          死の恐怖 Haseo

            > 🔊 Waow!

            doc joferlyn simp

              Game 1: My poor man. AM Aghs vs no enemy point targeted skills except Axe's. Timber 18k damage 1 hour game built Lotus Orb with no obvious dispellable debuffs, except Techies silence and even then it was a long shot. Sorry for that loss

              Game 2: CK 2nd core item Manta jesus. Enemy Jugg died thrice before he got an 18 minute Bfury (not bad when vs offlane SK who maxed Caustic Finale second). You bought more wards than your supports, and bought equal to them when their numbers are combined. Maximum damage for you

              Pretty sure you've got great games as well where teammates cooperated, otherwise you won't cherry pick. But it's these kind of matches that make me sympathize with the OP. These kind of games also make my vision go red. Hang on there man. Keep it PMA, keep it BSJ with promo code: BSJ!


                Give less fucks.


                  Because BS is a dogshit hero.

                  doc joferlyn simp

                    ^That as well. Try blending in with the meta a bit, you're good enough to dominate early game the thing is BS scales like shit so he's not that reliable in 1v9'ing. Try spamming Sven/SB, they're favored by the meta right now things might go better for you


                      Bs in the right hands is absolutely devastating guys and there is no hero to contest him early game. I have tried every possible item build on him but it is hard to 1v9 vs certain lineups. I was thinking about spamming sven now that he got buffed but the problem is that he comes online after 15-20 mins of successful farming and the game could have also ended by that time. Spirit breaker is bad too cause he has no way to farm and if he gives away his early streak, if he gets one, it's practically over.

                      Anyways, thank you for your kind words Haffy you honestly made me feel better and more calm.
                      Keep it PMA, keep it BSJ with promo code: BSJ! :)

                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                        Every hero in the right hand is devastating dude. You can't make that kind of argument. Meta wise he is dogshit.


                          Mid in my hands is devastating 😏😏😏😏😏😏


                            ult and silence then buy a crap ton of bs lust items like a ethereal blade, radiance etc.


                              Congratulation you just realized how overestimated BS's lategame is.
                              BS is more of an anti push hero. He doesn't secure early wins, but only stops you from early losing. due to his farming speed, he always has a head start be it a 14 minute radiance, or an early dagon, both performing at 140% damage output.
                              That's just how BS is, a huge Nuker, and Nukers don't win games...

                              Tento komentář byl upraven

                                what's the point of playing dota if you're going to lose some games anyway...


                                  ^radiance bs is dead I think
                                  also u cant expect to have any impact late with items like aghs and blink, that's for a more utility jungle bloodseeker.
                                  as a mid core u need to scale and those items wont let that happen. stuff like mjollnir, ac, even solar crest, sb, etc help more in scaling.


                                    ^yeah too expensive, and there are other farmers in team who will benefit if you don't get another farming item. (I think BS needs to stop farming jungle at midgame anyways and leave it to carries)

                                    but I don't think stuff like mjollnir,ac and other items you mentioned are that good for BS, considering He dies within seconds if stunned (even without Bloodrage on) and if you want to pick those items it's better to play other core heroes instead (like Alchemist)
                                    so what i'm saying is, BS is an ideal position 4 hero, who's so strong in early-mid game that people don't see him that way. He gets so many kills its tempting to be the core, but that never ends well (check my BS games)


                                      BS is an ideal position 4 hero

                                      I agree, but in this case he played him as a midlane core and bought pos 4 items.
                                      what I'm saying is IF u play him in the mid u have to scale.
                                      the build he went for is ok if ur jungling and then rotating early afterwards.


                                        And the fun continues!

                                        Game 3: a team full of trashfucks unable of picking up themselves after i flamed them hardcore, definitely 2k material all of them.

                                        Game 4: booster invoker on my team calls out for mid and i check his profile, see 5 rampages in the last month and 700gpm/650xpm averages thinking he is skilled enough. 500 gpm/xpm average (in his last 25 games) sniper proceeds to destroying him on mid and wipe us all out from then on.

                                        Roses are red, violets are blue. God made me pretty, how about you?

                                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                                          Wow u went mid but u built, as Raj puts it, non scaling items. And your farm is god awful.

                                          That already answers the question in your title pretty sufficiently. Everything else is just bitching about your teammates and isn't even relevant. lol. If I were your teammates I'd be making a thread about a dumb ass bs who failed hard the majority of the game and expected to be carried. Lul


                                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                                            If you build items that don't scale don't cry when you lose lategame.


                                            Cheap Laugh Guy

                                              Midas is compulsory to get on BS, pos 1,2 BS

                                              Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                BS can scale into the late game just fine, but you have to identify what items you *need* to win that game. You've got to know when to go Midas/Rad. (when your team already has late game) or when you're going to need bkb first. Sometimes I'll go orchid first, and it works out great. AC, BF, Bloodthorn, shit like that is what lets BS carry late.

                                                Your itemization is pretty poor OP.

                                                Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                  It's weird coz as BS pos1 since you're carrying the team with so many kills and gold on you, and suddenly you transition into something support like with Blink and Aghs, could have gone Skadi SnY Butterfly BKB

                                                  Riguma Borusu

                                                    First off, saying that BS doesn't scale is insanely retarded - there are literally zero heroes in the game who can do what he does with rupture and blood rite lategame - if you have aghs that's two heroes potentially completely removed from the fight for 12 FUCKING SECONDS, with the teamfight happening IN A PERPETUAL CIRCLE OF SILENCE. With the right use of blood rage you can also DOUBLE YOUR DAMAGE if you focus the right targets. Heroes who have crits don't double their damage through crits, in fact, BS is a harder carry than PA, in a lot of ways, and beside that, he doesn't only scale his own damage, but has the potential to scale his team's damage output by insane amounts. You just have to use blood rage carefully.

                                                    How does a hero with:
                                                    agi gain of 3
                                                    potential for permanent double damage buff with blood rage (when safe)
                                                    rupture that deals fucktons of pure damage
                                                    100% uptime huge aoe silence at lvl 25
                                                    ...not scale into the lategame?

                                                    If the enemy are melee heroes like ursa and Sven it's a GG a lot of the time. Timber gets fucked over by BS as well. But the point is, it is not that BS doesn't scale lategame, what happens, rather, is that people don't build manfight items, and then attempt to manfight heroes. If you want lategame presence you can play either utility seeker with 100% uptime bloodrite and lvl4 rupture (basically) with stuff like aghs aether lens, and focus on locking down their carries that you do not plan to manfight, OR you can build right click and fight people you can fight, run them down, push towers, etc.

                                                    The only one thing you CANNOT do if you want to win lategame is BE STUPID. Build shit items, don't focus the right targets, don't enter/leave fights at the right time, don't build for your position (carry vs utility) but this goes for literally every carry in the game that has any sort of mobility and/or multiple roles.

                                                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                      Guys im sorry but you cant farm hardcore with bs as he is not suited for that role simply because of his first. Equally farmed hardcarries like jugg, pa, sven, ta etc. will melt you in a few hits without even casting your spells. I used to play him in the jungle but now that the midas exp and jungle exp got nerfed i decided to transition him to mid. I focus on getting kills and i definitely prefer a bm+sb/agha or sb+diffu over radiance any day for the same cost. That way i have more damage output during early/mid game and/or the ability to ulti two people. It's not my fault that i fall off hard late game when i dont have a midas because i choose to be utility or when my team is not playing agressively enough after they see an agha on me and/or dont protect me when i have the gold lead. Guys like you make them believe that each player needs to have at least 4 items to end the game. Therefore they keep farming with no efficient patterns/plan while the other team always 5-mans first making me lose all the advantage that i built with pain and hard work ALONE (while dominating mid and breaking t1 tower before min-10). If you look at my last games you will see somewhere a 17-min win! But you will also notice in both last 2 games a cancer, 20-min furion afker. I have never done anything bad in my life to deserve even remotely that kind of punishment and in my opinion the algorithm of matchmaking is not doing a good job of pairing players with the same averages that constantly change every 25 games.

                                                      Also, cutnpaste dont show me 9 games with your stack to prove me that radiance build works cause i've tried it before and on 3.5k it starts becoming irrelevant. Go play 20 games solo queue bs and prove us there your words.

                                                      Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                      Riguma Borusu

                                                        Yeah, surely nobody who wins builds midas and radiance, right? Right?

                                                        Also, BS farms faster than PA, and carries harder than PA so your comment how you can't farm as well as PA is extremely stupid. That doesn't mean much because PA farms really slowly in general and doesn't carry hard, but if PA is an example of a hard carry, then so is BS.

                                                        That being said, spectre is a much harder carry, and sven farms much faster, so it's true that BS is not up to par with real hard carries or heavy farmers, but compared to heroes like jugg and pa, he can do it at that level, you just have to learn how to play around his weaknesses and use his strengths. And pick him at the right time.

                                                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                          You misunderstood me probably. What i meant is that when we have a 4-items pa, jugg, sven, ta etc. vs a 4-items bs in a solo manfight or brawl bs will most likely lose cause he is not meant to be a pos 1 hardcarry. Nevertheless if you dominate mid, take all towers before min-20 and your team stops farming and snowballs with you, essentially taking advantage of your power spike, you have the chance of ending the game prematurely before becoming irrelevant to their cores.

                                                          *Thank you for adding your third paragraph after you understood better what i meant and finally we agree. After all you are a bs spammer yourself and you know his weaknesses.

                                                          Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                          Riguma Borusu

                                                            I think the issue you and people in general have with BS is that you see BS more as a PA than as a Spectre. Tankiness aside, Spectre is worse at manfighting than BS is.

                                                            It's all about the mindset you have - instead of running at that God's Strength BKB Sven to fight him and die in three hits, what you do is rupture him, and then kill the backline while silencing whoever you can and generally creating chaos while your team initiates alongisde you.

                                                            You do not go head on against carries that can crit you for over half your HP, or bash you to death, instead you make the fight 5v4 while abusing the privilege to killl relatively-underfarmed supports, and only come to fight the carry once there are no saves, and he can no longer retreat.

                                                            BS is best picked against melee carries WITH ranged carries on your team, this means you can immobilize the enemy carries while your ranged carries pound them to death without retaliation.

                                                            Sniper VS Ursa can get iffy for sniper if Ursa can jump him, but if BS can counterinitiate, that Ursa is going to have a really bad time.

                                                            All this being said, nothing is stopping you from going BoTs AC and just pushing really hard if your team does not want to. So you can still win games your team doesn't understand they have to close up soon, you just have to build for it and realize this in time.

                                                            Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                            Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                              @oyk Holy shit it's you You're the guy who plays Dagon BS
                                                              You swear not to touch dota again and now you dare reveal your true name

                                                              That's it. You dominate early game take towers gain map control to slow down enemy's farm
                                                              Then the rest of the gold should go to t3 sieging and combat power since you're the strongest in team. (Because it's a shit tier and you play Bloodseeker.)
                                                              You don't get all the kills throughout the game and suddenly go "Hey, imma support the fight with Aghs" and let your noob teammates do the fight.
                                                              You are the pinnacle of the game! You right click people to death like no man can do! Because you are the best!!!
                                                              Get a Midas and SnY!


                                                                I dono what's with your excuses. Just look at CP's games and learn from the almost 7k god


                                                                  I think aghs is fine on core blood. But u can still get good late game items


                                                                    I pick BS when we have a hard carry who can take advantage of our great start or if enemy has a hard carry who needs to be shut down early (like Spectre). also I do my best to not get the kills. BS lategame really sucks -.-

                                                                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                                      What's the point of playing an early-mid game based carry when you can't close out games by that time? :thinking: