General Discussion

General DiscussionWin rate

Win rate in General Discussion

    Dota is a team game, 5 people wins and 5 people loses, then why does almost every player have a above 50% win rate?



      Tommy Shelby

        Your samples are like what? 50 guys on your friendlist?

        Cheap Laugh Guy

          Some people lost so much the winrate goes below 50% and they never use that account again


            theres a huge population who arent even on dotabuff


              there are those with sub 50% winrate. they tend to be delusional angry people on dotabuff. e.g., mafioso. lol


                thats because if you are a new player and start off low u are likely to improve and climb. hence a lot of players will have greater than 50% winrate. its just how it is.

                the only likely reason is if u calibrated high in dota 2 (Above average) at the start and you already stagnant. but most people start of low and win against other new players


                  Because not everybody wins if not all most of they're matches.


                    So not true.
                    I have 45% winrate :/

                    feel realised

                      My ranked winrate used to be 52% but lately been losing almost all time, it dropped to 51% and resulted in a 800 mmr drop 4870->4080

                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                        My winrate is 56ish%, but if i stopped playing heroes that are ass or heroes im ass at for memes then i think i cud easily hit 60-65% winrate