General Discussion

General Discussionfeels like

feels like in General Discussion

    Feels like whenever I play anything aside from pos 1/2 Im just fillping a coin:
    My pos 1/2 are less retarded than enemies' -- I win no matter what
    My pos 1/2 are more retarded than enemies' -- I lose no matter what

    i follow Jesus.

      welcome to dota, its been like this since the beggining of times, you just noticed it now


        I was naive enough to think I can comfortly play and improve as offlaner, without fighting for mid/carry with kids
        Just gonna 1st pick invo/sf every game now I think

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          If you play pos 3 4 5 your job is to create space and make your teams early game better.
          If you do your job better then the dude on this position in the other team you should have a bigger chance to win.

          Problem is most people that play support have no clue how to play, becausw they play core normally. and then pick fancy heros like rubick or venge.

          If you're a core player that has to supp, pick ogre dazzle cm.


            if its a 50/50 chance then 1 of the cores of each team is retarded. bow its up to you to be better then the pos 3 4 5 of the enemy team


              The problem is not I cant play support
              Check my cm winrate
              The problem that it is:
              1) boring af
              2) like flipping a coin

              死の恐怖 Haseo



                  u dont know how to have impact with pos 3-5 = u dont know to play them

                  one syllable anglo-saxon

                    its only a flip of a coin if ure a shit support

                    Pronocol | Røhd Tu Tåpp Wåhn

                      oh no, not this guy again


                        ^^ There is a HUUUUGe difference in pos 3-5 heroes in terms of impact

                        For instance I can give good roots as pit lord, have a lot of denies with the help of my aura or I can put great fissures as Earthshaker

                        But all that's shit if I have retards pos 1/2 who cant finish the game

                        On the other hand if I m playing broodmother I can just snowball out of control and do everything by myself


                          to be honest,in my perspective, the job of the position 1/2 is just to freaking last hit. It has to be the easiest job in dota. It's so boring, that when watching tournaments I don't even watch the carries game even if theyre playing my favorite hero.

                          My perspective about Dota now is, whenever I get a chance to farm well early, I can carry. otherwise, I simply cant. 9 out of 10 of my losses were because I never even had a fighting chance and we got too pressured for me to matter.
                          so, now I'm starting to think other roles are more important and decisive, because everyone can farm creeps.

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                          Lets do Science

                            Iunno man, theres plenty of people who can gain lots of mmr playing pos 3-5. Maybe its just you? No, no you're right. Its clearly that every time you play pos 3-5 your team just kerplodes and not that you're unable to play them impactfully enough.


                              there is a huge difference in a way that you have impact on the game
                              not just the dumb shit like courier sniping min 1, but correctly showing/not showing urself on enemys minimap can turn the game path completely. the impact u can have as a ward-bitch sort of support is actually insane if u dont limit urself to buying courier, placing wards, and casting all the spells u have in a teamfight, and then dying. thats just not how these heroes are supposed to be played. u did not do a good job as a support only cz of buying vision.

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                                >Iunno man, theres plenty of people who can gain lots of mmr playing pos 3-5

                                ye dude, fckn plenty

                                Check any player from tier 1 teams (even supports) - most have only mid heroes as most played despite the role they play in their team


                                mini-map? srsly man? I doubt that any1 in my bracket knows how this thing in the bottom left(right) corner is called

                                All those moves are only worth if u are playing on a really high level
                                Sub 5k cores cant utilize such micro-good stuff u do with supporting apart from the most obvious - warding and giving ur spells out

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                                  Normal Skill
                                  SKILL BRACKET

                                  I can dumpster kids even with dezo dazzle


                                    it makes it even easier to shut fown the enemy cores completely, i guess

                                    one syllable anglo-saxon

                                      op is a typical "i play core because other cores in my bracket suck" moron
                                      once in a while they play some support, voluntarily or not, do a shitty job because they only play cores, lose, and then at the end of the game they point fingers at their 400 gpm cores and say "see thats why i dont support"

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                                        Show me a player who climbed his way to high mmr with lane supports and I ll excuse
                                        not with cheesy treant/roaming sb/mirana/bh/riki shit


                                          ^cookie cm?


                                            im pretty sure sonneiko normally plays supps in pubs


                                              cm is also cheesy cos she s op (check my winrate cm) I could hit 5k with cm ez but it's for gays
                                              Purge is only 6k and has 57% of games played by core lul


                                                ^^ Sonneiko is a *cking genius of dota. He is unique

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                                                  whats high mmr for u btw? if its enough to be about some 6-7k shit, i simply got shittons of friends as an example. theres no significant difference in amount of players who climb as supports relative to the ones who advance by playing cores only


                                                    Dude, if there s no difference, why almost all tier 1 teams' players have only pos 2 (barely pos 1) heroes as most played?


                                                      after a certain point in ranked u get extremely unbalanced games that are indeed singnificantly harder to win for you as a support rather than a core.


                                                        also for whatever reason most players i know at certain point of their life have a phase when they only play sf, ta, ember spirit and invoker
                                                        god knows why


                                                          Hm, really makes u think.

                                                          U mean, games where u are like 0.5-1k higher mmr than avg? (e.g. Midone playing 7k avg game)


                                                            > a phase when they only play sf, ta, ember spirit and invoker
                                                            god knows why

                                                            I guess that's the turning point when they understand the thing I've written in the first post


                                                              no i mean games when im pkaying with miracle, funn1k and 2 other 5ks


                                                                1k difference is not that important


                                                                  purge doesn't actively climb now so his core/support percentages will be off now, but when he first climbed he used support to get to 5k.
                                                                  also first u said, if I'm not playing pos 1/2 and then limited it further, from not including roamers to not including certain heroes.


                                                                    Playing roamers constantly is so gay so shouldnt be even considered as gaining any kind of skill

                                                                    Fee Too Pee

                                                                      Heh, i know what op feels tbh.

                                                                      You win your lane as offlaner, but for some reason your carry never hit creeps and roaming around without core items and feeding nonstop , have under 400 gpm.

                                                                      Win your lane but it seems your carry do his best to throw feeling.

                                                                      Btw the most feeding people this patch is offlane now. Why bristleback always picked lately. Just a fucking meat sack and feeds

                                                                      Dark Hunter

                                                                        You can say what you want but if you as a support dont create space for your carry and all your t2 towers are gone by min 20. how can your carry carry you when theres no where to go to farm other than derp around in base and kill the creepwave?