General Discussion

General Discussionhow do you win if all your lanes have been lost?

how do you win if all your lanes have been lost? in General Discussion

    when things just don't go your team's way

    is the only way to pick lane-dominators as soon as you see a jungler being picked in your team?

    Toto téma bylo upraveno
    i dropped my Moronchondro

      Start spamming a support like omni for a while, if you play reasonably good, your team won't feed.. kinda worked for me once when my mmr fell into the pits of hell and it was impossible to talk sense without being flamed

      Cheap Laugh Guy

        That means your team have to play catch up in networth, which is a slow and painful process(sometimes you might just wanna throw and end quick)
        You dodge fights that you cannot win, and jungle or splitpush. This meta encourages turtle again, you can get gold from jungle most of the time no problem, but this requires your whole team to cooperate, because if you're the only one dodging and your teammate gets eliminated in a gank it's 4v5 all over and enemy will snowball that advantage (If it's a pos 5 support I guess it's OK)
        So map awareness and communication are important, you're playing like a pro team somehow
        Ward the river to scout if any enemy is coming, if one comes over and the rest is missing, don't take the bait but if he dived pretty deep and no one's behind, you must gank to secure comeback gold and prevent more map control.

        In other words, you're gonna play passive for 15 minutes or so.


          support like omni 4head

          my team stil lgoes in 1 by 1 into dethball when they are at 20k gold disadvantage nothing i can do about that

          if i play passive i just get mega creeped before 20 mins

          Tento komentář byl upraven

            how can you win all lanes as a solo support if every matchup my team has is either unfavorable or the core player is straight-up unskilled (meaning he will just throw away whatever advantage you create the moment you leave his lane)?


              you can't get any informations here soon some spammers will spam this forum. try dotadev that's where all the 5k mmrs are answering my questions correctly.

              btw pick a correct support for your team like againts Illusions and high burst damage *Chaos Knight* then Pick a tinker with aghs and Jakiro.

              Or a PA who is annoying then pick an Orge Magi, Venomancer or Pugna.

              or if you don't want lane supports then pick a carry and if your team already has a carry *if your a high mmr player* then trust them and pick a support. easy to understand. I've been playing dota 2 for 4 months now and dota1 for 8 months. my account got deleted after 6 months. :(


                i guess i just need to go full tryhard regarding my decision making and play some elusive lane-winning carry like am.

                as far as 3k goes at least

                Tento komentář byl upraven

                  a lost lane isn't a lost game you can rat and hold high ground


                    see. from the way you talk i can tell you give up too easily. and you probably blame your team too much.


                      if you think stealing a kill or some creeps would benefit you to change the game then do so


                        Cut waves
                        Call sneak rosh
                        Force TPs
                        Idk they just panic everytime they see me cutting their waves and suddenly they lose a teamfight because they scrambled in panic even in 3k rofl


                          farm them *the lane that is being creep pushed* then comeback. get enough gold to buy items that will kill your enemy opponent and win the game.

                          and also

                          Tento komentář byl upraven

                            please dont suggest anything that involves your team

                            split-pushing is obvious


                              split pushing is obvious. but do you get good trades out of it? or do you just go back to afk farming when you break their team up and force rotations?


                                i always try to take the objective that i forced them back to defend if its possible, ofc kill whoever as well

                                but when your map is completely dark and any 2 hero combo (imagine sth like beyond godlike qop at like 25 mins) of the enemy can 100% kill you its not thaaat easy

                                wards are a must buy for sure when you splitpush

                                Tento komentář byl upraven

                                  you kill whoever solo TPs in to defend, or you tp back and try to catch stragglers (im sure you can easily take 5 v 2 fights)


                                    1st step back to main menu , then click disconnect and the last one click leave game


                                      it's 5v5 you can't just exclude your teammate not unless they leave even with a feeding team you can make use of him and you don't need wards stay cautious with no wards you'd be training your map awareness so it's okay


                                        smoke gank and win teamfight, rush rax and force them to buyback,