General Discussion

General Discussionpudge early game

pudge early game in General Discussion

    so alot of people go either, urn+arcanes or soul ring+tranqs

    i just wanna know whats the reason for either one.
    why to choose which and why


      tranqs are meh and i dont see anyone actually getting them, soulring aint good either. urn is optional, arcanes are disassembled into aether in the end anyways so you need them


        lo l???


          tranqs are meh and i dont see anyone actually getting them, soulring aint good either. urn is optional, arcanes are disassembled into aether in the end anyways so you need them

          ive only ever seen tranq soul ring on pudge, ive seen urn but never arcanes. if u don't buy tranqs or arcanes (besides aether) or sould ring and urn is situatioal then wtf do u buy for mana?


            aether for the pool, talent for regeneration

            ive seen ppl making use of soulring but i dont think it should be ever mentioned cz none of them was below 7.0


              soul ring tranqs is the way to play pudge


                not for u tho cz u r terrible


                  ? my pudge is fucking legendary


                    in the same way as aimstrong's pudge - worldwide famous for being unbelievably awful?


                      no wtf im legit


                        but i just copied Qupe cause im Kise


                          if u know what i mean

                          yung griphook

                            depends on the game. If youre doing well and getting a lot of kills early, build as greedy as you can get away with. The more you have early the more effective youll be.

                            Some games get hard depending on the lineup, in which case you just build what will allow you to survive and contribute later in the game.

                            For example, if youre stomping and can get away with brown boots rain drop and an early blink, then do it. If youre having a tough game, tranquils, cloak, blademail or something might be the way to go.

                            The more you play him the more you get a feel for what you can and cannot get away with

                            Tento komentář byl upraven

                              yes, i tried to watch these series back in the days as well

                              < blank >

                                in the same way as aimstrong's pudge - worldwide famous for being unbelievably awful?

                                I don't check many threads beside of ayy lmao these days
                                And you talking smack behind my back (ohh dat rhyme)


                                < blank >

                                  ok i admit those games were awful but they weren't before that, i swear


                                    hook and eat.

                                    👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

                                      I like tranquil into sr, tranquil helps you weave between lanes and regen on-the-fly, and the mobility is great

                                      Sr guarantee mana for hook every few seconds, and for cheeky plays it can help deny (rot low hp-use soul ring-die from rot)

                                      Usually after I like blink, both mobility and positioning, gat are really important for him, and also I like to blink in the enemies face and dismember them on ganks while ny team finishes them off.l

                                      Than I like force stuff for extra utilities amd mobility, and force stuf is ALWAYS usefull for handy lot of situations

                                      Usually I dont get much farm besides those, if i do so I guess it's game dependent, something like shadow blade, or pipe, or solar crest, or lotus is always good to have

                                      Personally not a fan of urn on pudka, but I see how it can work

                                      Tento komentář byl upraven

                                        If ywn is kise why cant he be 9.6 like paparazzi :thinking:


                                          621 mmr trying to argue with 5.7k mmr (Find them)