General Discussion

General DiscussionTrying to have fun as I inch towards 1k

Trying to have fun as I inch towards 1k in General Discussion

    I get it I tanked my MMR while only playing drunk off an on for about a year as I somewhat lost interest in the game.

    But now as I am wanting to get back into the game I am wondering has my account been flagged of sometype to only allow me to be qued up with the trolls as I used to do?

    It's very interesting to say the least I am not arrogant enough to say I am the best player in every game as there is surprisingly some very good players hovering just above 2000 rating.

    But it is weird as it is amazing how unfair every game really is so I am just wondering has my account been flagged? Would I be better off just making a new account as now I want to play the game a little more serious at this time.


      You are just looking for excuses while being bad at this game. What do you expect from 1k players ? To be focused on winning and well behaved ? Please.

      Besides this game is super time consuming, so mabe its better not to start again ?

      Tento komentář byl upraven

        Nice just a little crying and I finally won a game but I think you are right might as well just give LoL or HotS a chance for the first time instead of this game thanks for the good advice. Well on the brightest of all sides the last game I played I left a winner!


          LoL is fine, HotS is actually for braindead children

          low prio master

            Depends for me is above 2.5kmmr hard to win every game, supports buying fukin hundred of wards ppl counter pick, and ofc my team is always step behind...ohh wait i get it lul.


              There aren't any good players at 2k. 2k is roughly average