General Discussion

General DiscussionFaceless void lvl 10 talent

Faceless void lvl 10 talent in General Discussion

    Why do the majority of players choose +15 atk spd instead of 8 strength? 8 strength is 160 HP which helps a lot in the early game meanwhile the bonus 15 atk spd is hardly noticeable.


      My guess is you have survivabilvity from Q. WHat he needs is attack speed to proc bash to tilt the enemy


        tbh most of voids talents r ass except the lvl 25 one.
        but ye u shud already be fine in terms of survivability, void lacks dmg and he needs bashes to actually do some heavy lifting.


          Alright, ill try that talent.


            If you really need survivability that usually means you're playing against chainstunfest where 160 hp won't help much but BKB/linken does
            He hits quite hard to utilize vlad to never get back to base