General Discussion

General DiscussionЧто я делаю не так (what am i doing wrong)?

Что я делаю не так (what am i doing wrong)? in General Discussion

    Здрасьте.Я хочу поднять вхс вот мой дотабафЧто я делаю не так в играх?Топового дамага не могу нанести так как игра быстро заканчивается что даже не можешь набить 30к+ урона.

    👉👉P O S I T I V I T Y :D

      Emm... Mind translating?


        Hello.Those I want to raise my hotspot here is my dotabuff do I do wrong in games? Top damage can not inflict as the game ends quickly that you can not even get 30k + Damage.


          very high skill


            I want to raise a very high skill here is my dotabuff do I do wrong in games? Top damage can not inflict as the game ends quickly that you can not even fill it up 30k + damage.

            doc joferlyn simp
              Tento komentář byl odstraněn moderátorem

                cyka blyat russian translator pls


                  I can understand you but you can't get any helps here. try dota dev, they have russian translator there. kinda boring no one is asking for help there.


                    because they discriminate words that they don't understand.


                      how to reach vhs in dota 2 and why is this not vhs? :salt: well after 3 matches you'll be analayzed if your good at dota or not. then you'll reach it and its suprising because sometimes its random if you got 3-12 in normal skill.


                        @diox ...
                        @//// by time, just continue playing.