General Discussion

General DiscussionWhy asians are dominating this forum with a lot of spams? (offtopic)

Why asians are dominating this forum with a lot of spams? (offtopic) in General Discussion

    No wonder its disgusting because its full of people with no manners. and EUs and Russians are trying to blend in. this needs to stop and be fixed by making the rules to force respect a player so people with good vibes can enjoy the forum.

    they really need to a family reunion to stop trolling this forum or something? like their not mature their immature. even steam forum have this issue everytime someone translate russian to english they judge that grammar thinking their retarded people.

    if you cannot do anything about it then delete forum from dotabuff and create a steam app that lets them communicate with each other so they won't spam this forum (and waste peoples time making dota 2 having a bad reputation) and also create a new forum for them but seperate the serious one from the offtopic one and ban people from posting offtopic things like how to win againts a slark then someone said pick *heroes who are weak againts slark* or long words that you can't understand something like that.

    Toto téma bylo upraveno

      Why is diox still isn't banned? :axe_laugh:


        Why is diox still here? :disappear:


          because I'm not breaking the rules. drunked asian probably using green stuffs.

          < blank >


            < blank >

              Phantom riki didn't break the rules either but we all knew it was the time to perma ban him
              Do it with Diox and problem is solved

              doc joferlyn simp

                If you can't take the heat, get out of the fucking kitchen. I swear, I believe with all my heart you aren't anything older than 12

                Tommy Shelby

                  I find this post offensive to me and my co-geographical people.


                    Inappropriate Language:Do not make posts or links to any websites containing language that is hateful towards ​a specific person or group of people or bypass the language filters in place on these forums. Cursing is allowed but words or phrases that are racially charged or may be perceived as hateful or intolerant toward another person are not.



                      Giff me Wingman

                        Let's all report his profile,maybe dotabuff will then ban that shit

                        @got my priorities straight:
                        ALmost, he's 14

                        Tento komentář byl upraven

                          he thinks I'm hating when I'm trying to make things right. damn this people so high.


                            Racial or Ethnic Hatred:Do not make any posts or links to websites containing language or images that promote racial or ethnic hatred, use a recognized racial/ethnic slur or allude to a symbol of racial or ethnic hatred.


                            doc joferlyn simp

                              Yeah I noticed that the only time Skim or that Yuma Kuga guy will respond if something is reported. They can't be bothered to patrol the forum prolly too busy making new emojis or new stickers to add in the names rofl

                              doc joferlyn simp


                                Giff me Wingman

                                  Already reported him, let's see if we get there. That'd be fun if diox had to post from one of this abused or normal skill accounts

                                  死の恐怖 Haseo

                                    R E P O R T


                                      Done reporting. I'm out. :blink:

                                      doc joferlyn simp

                                        I don't think it'll stop Diox from posting. At most he will feel kinda sad because he won't be able to post with the only account he has reached VHS on


                                          diox is a nice guy...i have a habit of speaking heavy bullshit


                                            what makes you do that anyways?


                                              banned diox this forum


                                                diox i am sorry for sending you to your normal skill accounts so that you can comment

                                                Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                  I'm using an old account that went bad because I didn't change my Ip address.

                                                  I have my own account that is 4k mmr with 66% winrate I only play once because I'm scared to lose.

                                                  not telling, you'll give it bad luck.

                                                  Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                  doc joferlyn simp

                                                    Link it and we'll know that you're a big boy already :)

                                                    Edit: Your claim of a 4k account, as with everything that has spouted from your mind, is bullshit.

                                                    Tento komentář byl upraven

                                                      Yeah blah blah blah old account yeah ip address blah blah blah.



                                                        i took one look at the title. locked because you pretty much just stereotyped billions people. :bts_merlini:


                                                          eh just went through OP's other posts. muted for a few days. please calm down and don't post topics/comments based on ethnicity.