General Discussion

General DiscussionBattlefury or Mjolnir on Jugg?

Battlefury or Mjolnir on Jugg? in General Discussion
Rogue Knight

    Alot of pro players build Mjolnir nowadays on Jugg. Is battlefury is still a viable pickup on him?

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        Mjollnir, huge damage+amazing as+AoE

        chicken spook,,,,

          Quite situational
          If you need some hard depush and knows the game will drag out no matter what you build (tinker sniper ASDASDASFASGVDHS) BF seems like a decent pickup
          Otherwise aquila manta seems to be the way to go


            Battlefury jugg


              Mjolnir provides you an attack speed, combined with abyssal and manta will ensure a permabash, battlefury, on the other hand makes your omnislash more deadly because omni stacks with a cleave and cleave ignores armor type but not armor value, battlefury is also a good pickup bec. Jugg early game has mana issues similar to Sven

              chicken spook,,,,

                Yep BF still situational as fuck


                  2007 dota jugg


                    they changed cleave mechanics during 700 so shit like SoF with bf and omnislash with bf are less reliable/cover a smaller area


                      Or if you are desperate enough to farm fast enough why not try build both

                      chicken spook,,,,

                        Juggernaut is not pre 6.85 void


                          Mostly Battlefury. The mana and health regen is quite good, allowing you to skip skill 2 and focus on offensive abilities. The cleave also work well with Jugg's ultimate, and since he already has a hefty attack speed already, more would not be that necessary.

                          Also, Battlefury damage bonus against creeps transfers to illusions.

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                            ((((((((((skip skill 2)))))))))

                            Dire Wolf

                              battlefury sucks so bad. Mjollnir is fine if you want to farm and contributes well to late game too, but I still thought best build was manta + diffusal into basher/abyssal for lockdown.


                                You NEVER go bf unless you are playing anti-mage

                                Cheap Laugh Guy

                                  Whoa, they build Maelstrom then Mjolnir first item on Jugg?


                                    I play jugg by going first item veil


                                      ^^^ this guy got it right. Bf on anything that is not anti mage is crap, unless its a situational pick like a late bf on pa to clear out illusions.


                                        i never understood the sudden popularity of mjo back then and even now but now it seems people dont it that often anymore.

                                        but i think its that time when illusions benefit from attack speed update and the main reason was manta plus mjo buff combo and they were only experimenting whether its good or not. am i right? can someone explain please? xd


                                          getting BF takes too long and it still needs time to farm and actually do something,mael can be bought faster and is better in fights


                                            Whoa, they build Maelstrom then Mjolnir first item on Jugg?

                                            I'm not sure about going for Maelstrom then Manta, isn't it the other way around go Manta first then Maelstrom/Diffusal?

                                            BF doesn't really benefit much on heroes anymore except for AM yeah just him AM.

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                                            chicken spook,,,,

                                              Ember too but then again most of the time magic ember is better anyway


                                                i think quelling blade into iron talon is best

                                                chicken spook,,,,

                                                  Talon only after shitty lane I think
                                                  With PMS phase stick aquila yasha/manta you have to ditch quelling asap


                                                    I laughed about the skip 2 nd skill 3k guy ayyyyyyyyy.

                                                    Rogue Knight

                                                      Kinda hard what to choose bet. BF or Mjolnir, or if im really farmed enough, trying building both, i mean is it good? Mjolnir,Bf dagg, phase, manta, abyssal,Moon shard buff?


                                                        Both? Don't be greedy, Butterfly is much better than mjol + BF, switch out one(BF preferably)


                                                          I think difussal into manta is prob the best. Just my opinion though.

                                                          Rogue Knight

                                                            @xd,ow, right thanks



                                                              this right here matumbaman FV battlefury

                                                              new meta?

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                                                                  I think they went maelstrom and mjollnir then cuz they farmed more as jugg, whereas games are faster now so having manta diffusal blink to fight and get pickoffs is better.


                                                                    I only get bfury when I'm underfarmed