General Discussion

General DiscussionSo angry right now...

So angry right now... in General Discussion

    We have 4 picks, already a jungler, offlaner, mid and carry... And guess what? Void 5th pick and autoattacks the safe lane - not just contest, but autoattack...

    So automaticly, we are behind... And when we manage RP+epicenter on 3 people, he comes, throws on all of us and one free kill, while other 2 are pouncing into us.

    I havent met something like this for over 100 games... If he wanted mid or carry and said so early (or showed lane or whatever), we would adjust (I was forced to be pos 5 almost every game today and I took it). But this...

    I hope he will rot in low priority..

    Toto téma bylo upraveno


        It's ok man, you'll get your MMR back eventually. I really feel you.




            You were in a two stack and one of you cant pick a support and lane together? Your greed was rightfully punished


              If you checked other matches, we are going lately 90% of games together (mostly offlane) and if needed (forced), one of us is going support and other one is on other side of map fighting alone.

              If I knew 5th player was retarded, I would go support, or my friend would. I just wanted to go magnus, offlane was taken, so I went mid. Nobody asked to be carry, so he picked carry... And guess what.


                I've just had afk feeders in my last couple games
                Dota is like a gamble. If you have good teammates you win, if you don't it makes your game so much harder


                  might be a bot.


                    Luck has been with me recently. Solid teammates all round


                      You still win quite alot so it's fine
                      Sometimes you just get unlucky with your teammates and there's nothing you can do about it


                        everyone is stuck @ around 45-65% win rate anyway

                        Feeding in progress

                          Just read the horror stories of the 1k bracket and you'll feel better.


                            Well, I was angry, because I am not used to it. Most of the games I find a team, where people try to work together, only sometimes there is somebody to complicate things. Just dont understand these people.