General Discussion

General DiscussionWhere the f u c k is the fking campaign?

Where the f u c k is the fking campaign? in General Discussion

    its been 10 days since they said the campaign will be delayed for a week, this is bs we need to get compensated for this shitty delay, they cant even announce a delay correctly ffs

    Pale Mannie

      may 45th

      one syllable anglo-saxon

        arent u the moron who created several threads here begging for batlepass?


          am not sure but i think that's him, i dunno why but i smell diox is behind this threads.

          Pale Mannie

            diox can't have such good english skills


              ive had the battle pass since it was released, plus I would never ask for something as big as a fucking 10$ and Im sure as hell noone would give something like that to a total stranger.

              >tfw no gamer girl peeing gf

                10 bucks big?

                I feel bad for people that think 10 dollars is a lot of money o. o

                Tommy Shelby

                  ^ very well, give me 10 dollars then. Would you?


                    @Cat Chan Guy GIF me BP plssss since you don't think 10 bucks is big.

                    Player 153433446

                      Catman... battle pass needed here....giv plzzzz


                        it was just a prank


                          I murdered my best friend and fucked his sister while their parents watch it in agony for 3 days straight but I told the cops it was just a prank and they gucci


                            good stuff