General Discussion

General DiscussionI was so damn wrong

I was so damn wrong in General Discussion

    Ive started to consistently playing pos 5 support around 2 weeks ago and grinded out my way from 3.3 to 4k by playing supports exclusively. I was playing mid mostly before this and couldn't make my way out of 3.3k for months.

    I just wanted to say how delusional most of us are: you CAN actually CLIMB by playing supports even without spamming of dumb "support" heroes like abaddon/lich/spirit breaker/riki/treant

    @TripleSteal and all others from this tread: my apologies, I was fucking clueless and delusional, soz.

    Now it feels like I win almost always unless we have shitty draft/griefer/feeder/COMPLETE autist on pos 1-2

    Gotta continue playing supports consistently and see if I can make it to 5k

    Funniest thing - I didnt watch any replays of high mmrs, neither did I read any guides. I just have started playing supports and everything became gucci on its own

    And as Triple said, the amount of impact u can make as a ward bitch is INSANE if u are doing it right

    Toto téma bylo upraveno

      so you're telling me that playing the game properly will increase your MMR?



        just stop lying. we all know you bought cookies coaching and did his cs challenges in lobby that caused your sudden mmr increase

        Tento komentář byl upraven

          After learning to support, all other positions got easier for me.


            ^^ what do cs challenges have to do with playing pos 5 with ~30 avg cs/game?
            ^ I cant imagine myself playing anything else now. Why u should play smth like carry/mid and argue with 12 y.o. kids for the role when u can first pick the interesting hero u like and still have good chance to win and be able to practice your role consistently?


              omg .I love this story )) I used to play supports only but then i started being angry after each game/even won .I wasnt satisfied with dota in those hard period /and although i have gained a lot of free +25 on another acc i had to stop because i didnt feel any interst or pleasure .Now i avoid picking supports but if it is necessary -then i just have to do it(


                the trench just began


                  you found a way to win


                    Let the hype be with you now and see 1 month from now if you are still on 4k ladder and didn't fall down


                      You are siractionslacks now


                        OP does have a point thou.

                        You will never have kids fighting you to play Pos 4-5. Me support, protect carry or FEED said no one ever!!!
                        Since you are not fighting for pos 1-2 that toxic (But perhaps good) carry/mid isn't going to run down mid because two people want to carry/mid so that puts you at an advantage right away.

                        However, 4k is pretty toxic so good luck in your climb


                          You're probably right. Almost every game I play the support is just plain shit. They either not ward properly, not ward at all, stay passive in lane and leech carry's exp, not tp to gank or help other lanes, never stack or even pull camps, etc.

                          but then again, I don't enjoy playing as a support, whats the point of grinding higher mmr if I'm not enjoying the game ? whats the point of playing at all ? I just play pos 1/3 for the fun of it.


                            My favorite part about supporting is looking at sentries bought by opposing team(15-20), and noting that less than 4 of my wards had been dewarded in the entire game.

                            < blank >

                              I play legion jungle


                                Supports win most games below 4k. They create the Surge in Gold By golding lanes together. They deal intense magic Damage during mid game for the cores to finish to get thier gold spikes. A shit support losses all games. Hes not relevant in early or late game. Shit Player.