General Discussion

General Discussiones mid

es mid in General Discussion
Beater Griffin

    Ill try in my last game the es mid and it was insane.

    Situantional pick?

    [SNRA]King Dave

      Normal skill. I could take dazzle mid and rekt all you shits.

      Beater Griffin

        ye in my dk game before they had a dazzle 4,5k mid, and i fucked him. So i dont think so


          Maybe i think but you are agaist a tiny mid rofl
          Didnt even kill tiny in lane

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          [SNRA]King Dave

            Why aren't you 4.5k? Team mates holding you back?


              Earth spirit mid?? Yes finally

              Beater Griffin

                well my team mates dont hold me back, i think i can reach that mmr


                  plays 15 games ranked

                  "me 4k so good time to trashtalk"


                  how about you start playing ranked again instead of feeding in normal MM while trashtalking about normal skill

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                  [SNRA]King Dave




                      King Dave. Sub 4k smurf support player.


                        maybe try to git gud at real mid heroes


                          I once had a 5k mid Lina who started flaming and telling everyone what to do at the beginning of the game only to feed and destroy her items laters. I managed to carry that game as solo lane morph (I'm 3k).

                          TL;DR, high mmr mid doesn't guarantee you a win.

                          meteor hammer

                            crushes most melee matchups

                            meteor hammer

                              high mmr mid doesn't guarantee you a win.

                              someone who is upset will play like trash whether they have a 20 inch mmr schlong or not

                              theres hig mmr players that everyone knows is emotionally fragile. people go out of their way to camp their lanes and snipe courier because theyre little bitches who will throw at the slightest provocation


                                In normal skill level everything can work mid . I acctualy never played on 2 k :)


                                  daaamn i got exposed now everyone knows im a 300 mmr smurf

                                  low prio master

                                    Idn how you guys but es mid is ok,mostly fucki.n everything is ok on middle if youre confident what you do

                                    low prio master
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