General Discussion

General DiscussionI don't even know.

I don't even know. in General Discussion

    I'm about to leave this trash fucking game. It used to be my favourite game, I spent thousands of hours on it, trying to improve and shit. Went from 2k to 4k but I've always been in the hidden pool, which made it 10 times harder to raise my MMR. I already wrote a topic about behavior score maybe a month ago, in the last 2 days I had the ultimate proof this shit is rigged and skills don't count for shit when you're there. I could analyze every game from the last 48 hours and explain exactly how and why I lost the games. I'm not talkinga about that one bad game everyone has, I'm talking about hell on Dota. It's not about "mi tim holds mi bek I shuld bi 9k", I'm seriously disgusted by how the matchmaking works and this is the deepest I've ever been in the hidden pool. What drives me crazy is that I DID NOTHING, I got flamed, I got blamed, I supported and carried and got trash talked by fucking monkeys who can't accept they're pure trash at this game and that they're the only reason why we lost the games. And guess what, I got sent to low priority and got muted, for doing my job and trying my best to win games. Dropped from 4k to 3792 and I'm just done. I'm not gonna play again to get my mmr back, this is pointless, it's a lost cause when you have to play alone, not 5v5 but 3v7 or 2v8. EVERY. FUCKING. GAME. It's so hearth breaking when what used to be your passion becomes a fucking nightmare, I don't even know why I'm writing this and I'm not even checking the grammar, so sorry about any mistake. Whoever needs an account they can try new builds on or prove themselves they can stomp in high 3k and 4k or whatever I can give you mine. Basically if you got nothing to do and could give me my mmr back 'cause I'm done that'd be much appreciated. After 3 years and a half this game is just dead to me.


      I know how you feel, when you tried so hard but your teammates are cancers, me too i always support, usually position 4, i play IO and earth spirit, rubick and made a lot of good plays to help my team but i always end up with the best kda ratio in my team, they always force clash when i dont have stone remnants, and relocate is on cooldown while the enemy team's ults are off cd


        Try new heroes. You have 60% winrate with Axe ok but find something new if that hero is lowering your mmr for now.


          But i think that you should not give up yet, i had dropped to low 3k before but climbed back up to mid 4k, and i only play pos 4 and 5 heroes in solo ranked.

          Tento komentář byl upraven

            Idk how this whole behavior score thing works but if you didn't try to improve it in the span of 2 months then that's a fucking problem




                It is rigged. Sadly I can't take it out on volvo..



                  meteor hammer

                    its impossible to win more than a couple of games in a row before valve slates you for an inevitable loss

                    low 4k is the hardest bracket, toxic teammates make it absolutely impossible to win

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                      do you first pick templar?

                      meteor hammer

                        ive had to before but usually no. im very fast at marking my lane and usually ban cw so i can pick tinker if i dont want to play ta against their heroes or its a good tinker game

                        just because i can win a hard game means tehres any reason to go out of my way making the game hard for myself. plus im still rusty/out of date

                        Cheap Laugh Guy

                          Do anything for MMR




                              1) you are not in hidden pool
                              2) you are just bad at the game
                              3) you are blaming your teammates.

                              doc joferlyn simp

                                1) you are not in hidden pool
                                2) you are just bad at the game
                                3) you are blaming your teammates.


                                  ^well the 3rd one can sometimes be true since sometimes there will be this one gay who would intentionally feed cause he didnt get to mid.

                                  1-IceTea 🌟

                                    I meme jungle my way to 5K+, actually lol at anyone that couldn't rise to at least 5K.

                                    Only reason gonna be you never use your brain when playing.


                                    U just naturally dump


                                      U just naturally dump

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                                        low prio master

                                          Have fun omg thats it


                                            Ohhhhhh noooooooo I'm constantly losing Virtual number from a video games because I always lose booooohoooooo teammates sucks Imma Quit NOW huhuhuhu.

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                                              M e m e j u n g l e r


                                                Almost 6k games and 4k mmr.. you should have realized that ur progression is terrible like 3 thousand games ago...


                                                  if you just want to win, solo games aren't that enjoyable to play particularly when you've hit a plateau


                                                    someone read this guy's wall comments

                                                    Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                    doc joferlyn simp

                                                      Great work in itself, but it doesn't hold a candle to Benao's tho lul


                                                        I'm fairly certain you're just a shitter with an ego,

                                                        Also worst grammer EU

                                                        ME AND THE SUBHUMAN APES

                                                          LOL so many retards on this forum. Why would someone make fun of a person that is talking about losing their passion for a game. In the forum of the game. Full of gamers that like that same game. But anyway who gives a fuck, not everyone is smart or empathetic.
                                                          @Jacked no, I wouldn't have reached 4k if I was bad. Whatever mmr people reach they will always be called noobs or told they're bad, but the average mmr on dota is 2k. And yes hidden pool exists and yes of course I'm blaming my teammates. If I had lost my mmr for mistakes I made I'd be on the replay of the games and not here.
                                                          @LeFlash problem is I wasted most of my time playing normal games, I have less than 1k games in solo ranked.
                                                          @trust is a beautiful thing. OMG READ OMG. I'm gonna release a book with all the insults from 5k games, don't worry kid.
                                                          @KRS with an ego and brains. And nah my grammar is not that bad. It was enough to make you understand the sense of the post and leave the most useless comment ever.

                                                          To the only few people that said something that makes sense, I don't think widening the hero pool is the best thing to do in solo ranked. On the contrary, correct me if I'm wrong but spamming is the fastest way to climb. And yes it is a huge problem if I didn't improve my behavior score in 2 months. I just can't stand idiots, in game and out of it. If you notice I've just given specific replies only to the kids that tried to make fun of me, not to the people that tried to help. I'm just gonna take a break from ranked and try new heroes in normal.


                                                            bye. see you soon.


                                                              this forum will not be helpful for you in the situation that you are bro, the quality of players in this forum and theyr knowledge about dota is rly low. i can tell you from my experience and my knowledge i gather from other sites, youtube and everywhere yo ucan find more helplfus and specialised info like 1000 times more than you can get from those guys here, based on that you might be in deep shit once your behavior score droops to 7000 or 6000 your rly fucked its rly hard to get away from that pool, cause people are so toxic and retarded than will report you no matter what its like a guy that stop you in the road and says ' hey why you wearing a hat' and he punches you. next day you dont wear a heat and he is like ' hey why you not wearing a hat' and he punches you again lol. and yeah playing in that pool is almost imposible to keep a positive winrate , dont trust to those retard kids here who says that yo ucan win 1vs9 , those wh osays that had never been i nthat situation and they think that wining 1vs9 is when your the guy with better kda than your team and your doing better than them. well thats not 1vs9 at all only those who experienced for a long time the hell of 6000 behaviors score know waht 1vs9 is.


                                                                Lol I abandoned 2 games cuz of internet and my behav dropped from 8k+ to 5k+

                                                                Guess I'm fucked now eh mafioso


                                                                  it doesnt work like that , bs doesnt change every game you play, it only refreshes once in 15- 25 games im not sure about that. if you have another question go check in google or youtube pls i dont have to teach yo uthose thing , i understand your strategy bro you pretend you comment here with a different opinion so i can answer you and you will learn something about dota this way cause your yo lazy to make your own researches, im not gonna fall for that anymore xd


                                                                    I heard theres a guy named bws who have 6k behavior score and first picks AM in 2k and still win most of his games


                                                                      lol yeah i saw that guy too, but at the time i saw him wining all his recent games in row with ta, and his previous games were completely shit compare to those games, it is wuite abvious that his ac was boosted by boosters. all what im saying is that bs its a big factor and it affects a lot your winrate , its not determinat and its not the only factor, skill also matter a lot ofc, yeah to acc booster this thing will not be a big problem since they are way much better than the bracked they are boosting , we are talking here for normal players which are prety much the same level as the other players in their bracket in this situation your bs you be rly determinant.


                                                                        all his recent games in row with ta

                                                                        I dont spam TA


                                                                          you also dont win most of the games wit first pick am in 6 k behavior score kid . probaly not even in 10k bs . my comments here are in help the one who did the topic so if you have a 2 words sentences with 0 arguemnts than better watch your own busines . Now for all you lazy kids watch this better than thinking based on your small experiences with your small brain., no need to thank me


                                                                            Patternicity: Finding Meaningful Patterns in Meaningless Noise


                                                                              lol the way your mind works is a wonder


                                                                                am i fucked or not. all i know is you say crappy behaviour score = im just gonna keep losing now.

                                                                                Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                                                Cheap Laugh Guy

                                                                                  Why can't people just git gud instead of blaming everything on teammates and the seemingly non-existent system?
                                                                                  And if things go wrong, make another account, you get a new life, right?
                                                                                  OHH NOOO VALVE TRACKS MY IP ADDRESS JUST TO GIVE ME HELL


                                                                                    Hidden pool is a myth made up by players who think they are being dragged down by teammates when in reality its on them.

                                                                                    Think of this:

                                                                                    If i get 100 games, 20 will be won because someone tilts on the enemy team and its an ez victory sub 20 min victory
                                                                                    I will also get 20 games where I get last pick random jungle pugna because two cucks were fighting for mid.Flame ,blame, feeds and throws, EZ defeat another 20 min loss.

                                                                                    The other another 20 are stomps, another 20 my team gets stomped.

                                                                                    Finally the last 20 games are close matches were both teams were pretty equal and one mistake ( seige HG with no ageis, smoke into rosh to get cucked by ults in the pit etc etc) cost the game.
                                                                                    Of those last 20 games, I win 11-12 hence 51% WR.

                                                                                    Point I am making here is that out of those 100 games, the games that were throws basically occur equally. You get given 10 easy games, you lose 10 games easily.

                                                                                    You don't remember the stomps because it was easy. You remember the rage, the tilt, the salt, the reporting.

                                                                                    The 50% winrate, forced WR, rigged MM, Hidden pool are all excuses. Once you hit 50% it means you are playing in your true MMR. Yes fluctuation occur + or - 200 MMR but your sitting where you belong.

                                                                                    Yes this board is toxic, yes this game is INSANELY toxic. Focus on what you can do to improve. its you vs. 4 frienemies (I made up this word, friend+ enemy) vs 5 enemys. Based on your play, attitude it can range from 5v5 to 1v9 when the tilt goes wild.

                                                                                    Focus on what you can do, forget the other cucks.
                                                                                    Maybe having up more wards would help, maybe muting everyone. Point is, your in 3.5-4k mmr. You make tonnes of mistakes, so do your teammmates. so does your enemy. Focus on you, and what you can do to improve. Focus on what mistakes your enemy made so you can capitalize on it.

                                                                                    Hidden pool is a lie. Improve your own game rather then flame others.


                                                                                      Thats why u play party.

                                                                                      meteor hammer

                                                                                        this forum will not be helpful for you in the situation that you are bro, the quality of players in this forum and theyr knowledge about dota is rly low

                                                                                        i could spend effort teaching you how to play the game

                                                                                        but its pointless. the people who can most effectively use my help are the ones who will figure it out by themselves. because theyre smart and theyre willing to accept their mistake and improve

                                                                                        people like you are the polar opposite of that. i could watch you play and point out mistakes and u would argue with me about why u did it rather than accept that you fucked up, even though im double ur mmr


                                                                                          ^^ sir excuse me sir..

                                                                                          But you and OP are almost the same MMR

                                                                                          Tento komentář byl upraven
                                                                                          meteor hammer


                                                                                              yes try explaning anything to mafioso. lol his mind has skipped logic and will bend in ways to fit his own ego.


                                                                                                  Whenever I see these type of threads I ask why? Its a videogame. You dont have to play it. If you dont find pleasure in it, why yould you torture yourself with something like this? Its barely a fucking hobby. JUst you know, stop playing it, thats it. Theres nothing so dramatic in that

                                                                                                  meteor hammer

                                                                                                    the best thing in this game is absoultely crushing a team. knowing theres nothing they can do to stop you because of ur flawless positioning and better items while u burst them down 1 by 1

                                                                                                    lm ao

                                                                                                      when you TA, which should you prioritize in ban phase, cw or slark